Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: The Gopher on November 03, 2009, 11:40:22 am
Does anyone else have a problem with actually completing bows? i get them roughed out, or floor tillered, or even shootable and then i usually get another idea to start another one, and i switch directions. Now i do finish plenty of bows, but it always seems like i have 8 to 12 bows going at any one time, does anyone else have this "problem" or are you a start one bow, finish one bow kind of guy, then move on to the next one?
i do have a reason for some of this though, my garage shop is uninsulated and unheated, and in minnesota that means i don't spend a lot of time out there in the winter, but if i get a few bows roughed out and floor tillered now, then i can work on them in the house through the winter.
i make one bow at a time i have went bake and reworked a finished bow that was not what i wanted , maybe just some stain or a little more sanding really nothing major.
Gopher, I think what you describe is pretty normal for those of us with "the affliction." ;D
Just wanted to say anyone of us on here probably have one or more projects going on at one time I myself have started a few bows, maybe had one on the tiller one on a form steaming a tip one being glued up etc... but in ur case I think u need to prioritize ur goals! I think u should number ur bows write down everything u got going on and see which ones can be completed! Pick a number and complete that bow for the day! It can be a game and and it may be fun to try! I myself live in a freezing upstate Newyork in the middle of the Catskill Mountains! We get tons of snow and although its a hassle I cant wait cause thats when I slow down from working 90+ hours a week seven day and get a chance to catch up on my bow making Ive been trying to complete one bow just ONE bow for a friend Ken75 who which made me some very nice arrows for deer season and only got to go out 3 times... and it broke..ouch thanx ken for being patient... My point for rambling on is to get all ur stuff in order and make a goal to finish one project first before starting any other ones! U'll find urself getting ahead of the game and will feel better that ur getting things done!!!
I have at least 8 projects going right now. One is almost 2 years old. I do this because I enjoy it. For that reason I work on what I feel like at the time from arrows to bows to flintknapping. I don't worry about finishing until I feel like finishing. It isn't about finishing or completing anything, it is about enjoying what you are doing.
I usually work on one at a time, but if one needs time to recover from steaming, or more time to season, I might start roughing out another, or re-furbish an old bow or tart one up a bit.
I asked this mostly in jest, although "the problem" is real i think i like it that way. debark a stave over hear, rough out a design i haven't tried yet over there, the constant change of pace keeps things interesting. don't get me wrong if i have a bow that needs to get done like for a gift or something,i'll work on that from start to finish, but when it's only for my own enjoyment then i tend to wander. i always pick a bow for a year or so and shoot that one for a while, so i am usually not in a position where i NEED to get a bow finished just for myself.
now only of work and sleep didn't get in the way of building bows.
What you have is a real and serious disease ;D Check in immediately ;,6591.msg91322.html#msg91322
gophere, i'm with you. i jump around alot with all kinds of projects in the works. and thats the wayi like it also. ;D
Ive got bows started,that are not finished.Severall of em.Some of em are probly older than some of our members on here.LOL
I know what you mean. I usually have large time gaps in between the time I work on my bows and by the time I start to work on them again I have something else I want to start.
i do the same ya said,here in mn you dont want to be chasing a ring or debarking and roughing a stave out in january
when its -30* f outside.thats why i get sveral going and put aside,come winter work on them in the basement.
but i also do it for the same reasons like Justin stated, i do it 'casue i like to do on whatever project whenever.
like tonight,no knapping no bow scraping.a guy at work asked to buy a primitive style arrow for hos brother for x-mas.
cant keep cash paying folks waiting,so tonight i make a couple of primtive arrows up( nice thing is shafts are alreday straight and have stone heads already attached)
yeah I got about 3 going right now. When I first started it was one bow at a time, now that I am into all this fancy heat-bending and tip overlays, laminates, heat treating and such there is a bunch more waiting time in between... perfect time to start another! ;D -josh
I don't feel so bad now I thought I was the only one.The first step is addmitting you have a problem.
Thanks Leroy
I have many projects on the go at once. Keeps things from getting boring. Also, sometimes I can't find my way through a problem until I let it sit for awhile.
I usually start one and stay with it till its finished, But after the head injury I have one with a layer of sinew on it waiting for another layer and started on a hickory bow, plus straightening shoots for arrows .[We as primitive archers must ban together to approach are government to put into legislation the P.A.M.B.M.T act there just isn't enough time in the day.
Please Allow More Bow Making Time
I have a problem finishing bows sometimes and it is due to my ADHD, which is Attention Deficit Disorder in HiDef. I have a thing about perfectionism becuase of the ADHD, and if I don't finish the bow (or any other project for that matter), then I have an excuse for it not being "perfect". Other times it is becaue I am stymied by some problem in the stave and I need to set it aside before I lose my cool. And thirdly, I love the initial stages of roughing out the bow.
First the P.A.M.B.M.T act needs to be approved by the better half, and then we can push it through congress, that's if they aren't on a break. ::)
Jw, I used to have the same problem when I first started woodworking, It's kind of a let down when the project doesn't finish to your expectations. But after a while I put ,more time into the finish sanding and application of finish and spend less time agonizing over the little flaws, and more time into planning a new project. We do this for a hobby, a sense of accomplishment, and relaxation. If it gets aggravating then we can just put that project aside and just go fling a few arrows. It's all good!! ;D
Thats me get them about 75% done and let them set lots of the time if I don;t really know how I want to make the handle are if I want to cut a arrow shelf with a knot so close or want some art work on the back or should I build up the handle area. I just brown my plains rifle barrel now to do the rest of the butt plate inletting maybe next year.
Let me not hit my weight on a self bow and see how fast that bow goes to the end of the line even though I know it a easy fix it still makes me fell bad and less in love.