Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: knap_123 on October 21, 2009, 07:19:23 pm
i have a 54" 2 layered , sinewed back , floor tillered stave. i want a 45 # or 50# bow to hunt out of the tree stand with. my draw length is 27 " will this be to much for this shortie? and shouald i leave the ends a litttle wider than you wouald a long bow? or can i go pencil thin? its a 1 3/4 at the fades and 1/2" at the nocks now.
Is this a "D" bow/ bend thru the handle? If it is, it sounds just about right.
What flovor of wood is it ??? 54" with a 27" draw length is going to make the string angle 90 degrees or more, which will make it stack like hell.
At that length and draw I think you need to recurve the tips somewhat to lessen the string angle.
its osage, and a stiff handle. it was a 60" stave with flipped tips. i got it to brace height and started scrapeing. well i shouald of got it going good then fliped the tips. so in my limited exp. i scraped to much on the bend were the tips were fliped and caused such a hinge it was my only choice to cut the ends off. so now i want to salvage the bow if possible. i can flip the tips but i think i'll wait a little bit till i get it at brace height again.
I won't say it can't be done, osage constantley surprises me. But having a stiff handle does make it tuff. Like Dana said you will need to flip the tips just a tad.
can i still take the handle down even though its a 1" handle and flares out to the 1 3/4 fades?
I wouldn't now, not with the flares, but you could reduce the fades and handle thickness, and make it a semi bending handle, that would help. Just be careful it doesn't bend too much into the handle. You won't get circular tiller, but close.
I have done a couple of 48" shorties,with stiff handles that handle a 28" draw but they were hop hornbeam. I've never had the oppurtunity to work with osage.However, flipping the tips is a definite! I have never used sinew as a backing yet either (only because I don't have any sinew yet). I backed one the bows with bark and that worked out well though
Wide, flat and very careful tillering will get you there. Those dimensions are the same as my 48" flatbow, but, Like I said, I have no experience with osage so I don't know the difference in the performance between osage and the hop hornbeam.
I recently made an osage flatbow that was 52" nock to nock unbacked. It draws about 50# @ 26". No flipped tips because I wanted it to look like a Cherokee style flatbow. It definitely wants to stop at 26". I think if you thin the handle a bit as suggested just to make it bend slightly I think you will be fine. The sinew will help a ton and Osage is some tough wood. Good luck, keep us posted on your progress.
tan you guys, heres a few pics(
if the limbs lok different lengths, its just the camera
I shoot a 54 inch plains bow that is rawhide backed ,and Im drawing it 26 and 3/4. I also have a plains bow that is 52 inch sinewed, straght bow no recurves or deflex and shoot the same arrows through it havent had any problems. One is 45# and the other is 60# both are Osage.
ok, i took the handle down and trimed the fades and sides down. plus flipped the tips, heres a ( pics. after brace ( (
Lookin good.
Like Dano said lookin good ,take it slow dont get in a hurry
hey man, it can be done for sure. i know i couldnt do it, lol. but my bow was made by woodstick on here, and it is 54 and a half inch tip to tip i think, snakey osage, stiff handle, cut in shelf, rawhide and timber rattler backing. so it can be done. keep us updated.
well igot it to 27" but dont no the weight. my scales grew legs and left the house .>:( but its a fun bow to shoot feels like 40 or so and a little string follow after unbracein(
good work!
Your bending way too much in the middle, but heck if she's fun to shot, enjoy it.