Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: VenomBOWslinger on September 22, 2009, 04:12:17 pm

Title: Books on BOW making
Post by: VenomBOWslinger on September 22, 2009, 04:12:17 pm
Hello all was wondering opinion on what is a good book on making bows?  I know of the Bowyers Bible 1-4 I am not sure if I should get all 4 or should i get volume 4.  I found many books on Amazon but I also prefer hard cover to paper back but which ever is going to give me the best knowledge.  Also illustrations help as well so if i could find pictures, lots of info and a hardcover that would be excellent let me know please!!! Thanks sooooo much!!

CHEERS!!! :o
Title: Re: Books on BOW making
Post by: Hillbilly on September 22, 2009, 04:19:17 pm
There are several good ones out there. I would start with vol. 1 of the Traditional Bowyer's Bible, or get all four if you can. Some other good ones are Bows and Arrows of the Native Americans by Jim Hamm, The Bent Stick by Paul Comstock, and Hunting the Osage Bow by Dean Torges. There are many more out there, but those are some of the ones that have helped me out the most over the years.
Title: Re: Books on BOW making
Post by: Pat B on September 22, 2009, 04:24:32 pm
I agree with Hillbilly!  Another new book that has just come out is The Art Of Making Selfbows, by Stim Wilcox. I have only thumbed through this book but it is already on my Christmas list! ;)
Title: Re: Books on BOW making
Post by: Hillbilly on September 22, 2009, 04:25:36 pm
Haven't seen that one yet, Pat-thanks for the heads-up.
Title: Re: Books on BOW making
Post by: Pat B on September 22, 2009, 04:27:39 pm
Charlie Jefferson had a copy at the camp-o-rama that I looked at. Looked real good!
Title: Re: Books on BOW making
Post by: stringstretcher on September 22, 2009, 05:22:37 pm
There are more very descriptive pictures and answers in Stem's book for sure.  It is a must have for any selfbow bowyer. Hillbilly, I thought you looked it over while at Pat's????
Title: Re: Books on BOW making
Post by: Dano on September 22, 2009, 05:25:28 pm
Stim's book is on my list too. I finally got a hold of a copy of Billets to bows, by Glenn St Charles, don't know why I waited so long, good resource there too.
Title: Re: Books on BOW making
Post by: bigcountry on September 22, 2009, 05:34:02 pm
After all my reading thru TBB and Hamm's book, I wished I started with Vol 1 of TBB then went straight to Deans book.  I could do without Hamm's book myself. 
Title: Re: Books on BOW making
Post by: Hillbilly on September 22, 2009, 06:00:28 pm
There are more very descriptive pictures and answers in Stem's book for sure.  It is a must have for any selfbow bowyer. Hillbilly, I thought you looked it over while at Pat's????

Charlie, maybe I did and just forgot about it-I'm gettin' kind of senile these days...;D
Title: Re: Books on BOW making
Post by: Hillbilly on September 22, 2009, 06:03:27 pm
After all my reading thru TBB and Hamm's book, I wished I started with Vol 1 of TBB then went straight to Deans book.  I could do without Hamm's book myself. 

I'm the opposite-I think Jim's book is one of the best out there. Much of Vol. 1 of TBB is largely the same info that was published in Jim's book-it has good info on tillering, sinew backing, arrow making, and other stuff.
Title: Re: Books on BOW making
Post by: adb on September 22, 2009, 06:59:50 pm
If I could only have one book on bow making, it would be TBB Vol 1. Bar none.
Title: Re: Books on BOW making
Post by: woodstick on September 22, 2009, 07:12:46 pm
all tbb is good and i like billets to bows by glen stcharles, i started out with cherokee bows and arrows by al herrin, its good.
Title: Re: Books on BOW making
Post by: Grunt on September 22, 2009, 07:39:06 pm
All the TBB's are good as well as all mentioned before. I have a copy of The Flat Bow by Ben Hunt that was printed in 1939 and it was the only how to make a bow book for many years. The Hunt book is fascinating reading, a lot of the info in it is reintroduced in the TBB's.
Title: Re: Books on BOW making
Post by: Pat B on September 22, 2009, 08:10:32 pm
Grunt, I also have The Flat Bow. It does give a view back to the methods when this was the only way to get archery stuff. I also have Bows From Boards, by Vaughn Ditto. Another small booklet with lots of useful info.
  I think if you only want one book and are using mostly whitewood you can't go wrong with The Bent Stick by Paul Comstock and it is affordable priced. TBBI is also a good starter book.
Title: Re: Books on BOW making
Post by: Grunt on September 22, 2009, 09:50:48 pm
Yeh Pat, the Bent Stick is written so just about anyone can get their mind around bow basics. More info for the money than any other book.
Title: Re: Books on BOW making
Post by: VenomBOWslinger on September 22, 2009, 10:17:46 pm
Awesome guys thanks for all the replies makes me feel important ;)  Anyway Ive thought about TBB and that new one by Jim Stem looks and sounds great thank you all!!!!
