Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: radius on September 11, 2009, 01:24:24 pm
my tiller tree is pretty new. Up til now i tillered everything in the mirror. Now i've got this handy bending jig on the wall, and often when i pull the bows it goes "SPROING, SPROING, SPROING!!!!"
Sound familiar?
NOPE!! >:D
I hope my bow never does go SPROING either. Probably creaking where the bow is resting at the grip.
Maybe the pulley needs oil, or if it is screwed to the wall the screws are loose, or somethin. ;D
well, it's on there solid...i'll check the's brand new...
don't get me wrong! I LIKE the SPROING SPROING ... i was just asking
could be your spring scale squeaking (if your using one) or possibly the handle rubbing on the bow rest. as long as it isnt the limbs your fine lol.
Dustin D
as long as it dont go SNAP CRAKEL POP you good.
well i don't have a spring's a definite springy sound, not really a creaking sound or the sound of wood rubbing...i have a small piece of inner tube on top the tiller tree, acting like a gasket or something...but it's not a squishy rubbery sound either...
as long as it dont go SNAP CRAKEL POP you good.
good call
Could it be the string you're running through the pulley vibrating as you pull the bow?
Probably your loops on your string rubbing the nocks.
It's probably the tiller tree gremlins. Don't turn the lights off.
It's probably the tiller tree gremlins. Don't turn the lights off.
im with grunt on this one
:o Sounds like like the string and bow taking up slack when your drawing the bow on the tree and it's making a sound when going under stress vibe and the oooing sound your tree must be fasted to something thats having a sounding board effect and amping the sound.
:o Sounds like like the string and bow taking up slack when your drawing the bow on the tree and it's making a sound when going under stress vibe and the oooing sound your tree must be fasted to something thats having a sounding board effect and amping the sound.
could's an exterior wall...should be fully insulated