Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: bigcountry on September 06, 2009, 03:55:17 pm

Title: Finally Finished IPE bamboo
Post by: bigcountry on September 06, 2009, 03:55:17 pm
Well, I started this in Feb.  Finally done after some slight tiller fixes. I about gave up on her when the nodes started feeling rough (sanded too far) so I wrapped with silk and went crazy and wrapped all of em.  And then I had some separation at the fades where the power lam ends, so I wrapped with elk sinew from Frank Bullit. Probably overkill, but I wanted this bow to stay together.  Thanks Frank.  Hopefully use it hunting.  I had put about 200 arrows thru her.  Put on 6 coats of Spar.  She came in at 66" and 56#@28".  I used cowhorn and elk bone overlays and walnut handle with some sapwood.  I thought the sapwood would look cool, but not sure.  She shoots faster than any bow I have built so far.  Named her "spit and glue".

Title: Re: Finally Finished IPE bamboo
Post by: zeNBowyer on September 06, 2009, 04:04:06 pm
Just  wondering,  are the  sinew  wraps  functional,  required  for  extra  strength  or is  it  cosmetic,  thanx:)
Title: Re: Finally Finished IPE bamboo
Post by: bigcountry on September 06, 2009, 04:07:46 pm
Just  wondering,  are the  sinew  wraps  functional,  required  for  extra  strength  or is  it  cosmetic,  thanx:)

Very functional IMO.  As they dry, they get tighter, and are very strong.  I worried, that I would have boo separate where the power lam ends, and just wanted some insurance. 

I myself would rather there be no wraps or sinew. 
Title: Re: Finally Finished IPE bamboo
Post by: Pat B on September 06, 2009, 04:37:42 pm
She came out nice.
Title: Re: Finally Finished IPE bamboo
Post by: knightd on September 06, 2009, 05:49:50 pm
Looks good.. I would say you did a great job.. ;)
Title: Re: Finally Finished IPE bamboo
Post by: bigcountry on September 06, 2009, 08:45:20 pm
Thanks Dave and Pat.  Both of you contributed to this.  Thanks for the advise you gave along the way. 
Title: Re: Finally Finished IPE bamboo
Post by: macbow on September 06, 2009, 08:57:28 pm
From the pictures the IPE looks pretty thick. Could you give a few dimensions, maybe thickness at fades of IPE and near the tips?
Thanks, way to stick with it.
Title: Re: Finally Finished IPE bamboo
Post by: bigcountry on September 06, 2009, 10:21:58 pm
From the pictures the IPE looks pretty thick. Could you give a few dimensions, maybe thickness at fades of IPE and near the tips?
Thanks, way to stick with it.

I started off with 5/8" IPE.  so I added a 1/8" power lam 1/2" past the fades.  Its 1.2" at the handle to fades. 6" handle with arrow cutout.  2" of fades on each side of the handle which is really stiff.  I then keep it 1.2" wide 4" past the fades, then pyamid down to 3/8" tips. 

This is some dimensions burnie on here gave me.  I trapped the limbs a lot. More than I should. I kept the belly dead flat. 

When I build another, I plan on 1" wide at handle (for more narrow) and straight taper to the tips at 3/8".  Also, the dead flat belly works good but I like a flowing bow with rounded bellyand nice rounded off features going up into the handle. 
Title: Re: Finally Finished IPE bamboo
Post by: OldBow on September 07, 2009, 01:05:56 pm
I'd call this one a "humdinger" and a great candidate for Sept Lam BOM.
Title: Re: Finally Finished IPE bamboo
Post by: Kent D. on September 09, 2009, 04:46:26 pm
Glad to see you got her done.  Great job.  It has been exciting following your progress. 

Love the bow. 
Title: Re: Finally Finished IPE bamboo
Post by: snedeker on September 09, 2009, 05:11:50 pm
Great bow.,   One benefit of going that thick with ipe is you get bothered less with handle pop-off

Title: Re: Finally Finished IPE bamboo
Post by: Del the cat on September 09, 2009, 05:40:03 pm
Hey, she looks a bit quirky, but quirky is good.
Nice tiller, sometimes there is more satisfaction in overcoming the problems than tha a straight forward job.
Title: Re: Finally Finished IPE bamboo
Post by: bigcountry on September 09, 2009, 08:27:15 pm
Hey, she looks a bit quirky, but quirky is good.
Nice tiller, sometimes there is more satisfaction in overcoming the problems than tha a straight forward job.

I got two selfbows sitting in corner with problems.  I have a habit of going full tilt on a bow until it doesn't go my way.  I figured I would try to break that habit on this one.  I bet I spent more time straightening out the problems than actually shaping and tillering.  But I learned a bunch.

Title: Re: Finally Finished IPE bamboo
Post by: bigcountry on September 09, 2009, 08:27:52 pm
Glad to see you got her done.  Great job.  It has been exciting following your progress. 

Love the bow. 

Could'n't have done it without your help.  I appreciate all the advise.
Title: Re: Finally Finished IPE bamboo
Post by: PeteC on September 09, 2009, 08:41:54 pm
Looks like a hunter to me.Way to hang in there when you run into problems. Good Job!!.   God Bless
Title: Re: Finally Finished IPE bamboo
Post by: Bullitt on September 09, 2009, 10:03:20 pm
Mark, I don't know how to word this, you have the deterimination, I feel to see this GOAL thru! You seem to hunger for the means to succeed at something you truly love, this thing we call archery. Every post that comes along, your there! With feelings, support, encouragement, and the knowledge from your walk to enjoy and to learn from everyone and everything that you can inhale on this journey! I will enjoy the pics of your success this fall! I feel it, I have had this journey also! Look forward to hearing how the next soul uses your offerings!   Good shootin, Steve
Title: Re: Finally Finished IPE bamboo
Post by: JustAim on September 10, 2009, 05:37:26 am
Very nice. Well done.
Title: Re: Finally Finished IPE bamboo
Post by: Pappy on September 10, 2009, 06:33:39 am
Way to hang in there and get it done,looks like it turned out great,now get some blood on it.
Congrats. :) Tiller looks nice. :) Love the tips also. :)
Title: Re: Finally Finished IPE bamboo
Post by: bigcountry on September 10, 2009, 12:41:50 pm
Guys, I really appeciate the kind words.  Definately gives me encouragement. 

This page amazes me sometimes.  I open up a thread for a new bow built, and I am just blown away with the skills some have.  And what really blows me away is a lot of these guys are not people with 30 years of woodworking skills, but 15 and 18.   I couldn't have done this at that age.