Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: smokeu on June 01, 2009, 11:00:41 am

Title: Black Locust_______Hold it Together!!!! 65lb Shooter
Post by: smokeu on June 01, 2009, 11:00:41 am
Black locust 63" ntn black cherry tip overlays, rawhide grip over an oak handle that kept trying to pop off (stupid bendy handle).... Hence the rawhide (hope that it holds).
I couldnt resist staining and a couple of coats of tru-oil. At least it will look nice when it finnaly goes, i feel its a matter of time for it to pop off again. 65lbs @28 inches.  My best so far and some good lessons learned. Hope you all enjoy it for what its worth. God Bless!

Thanks for all the help!!!


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Title: Re: Black Locust_______Hold it Together!!!! 65lb Shooter
Post by: smokeu on June 01, 2009, 11:07:22 am
Full Draw

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Title: Re: Black Locust_______Hold it Together!!!! 65lb Shooter
Post by: smokeu on June 01, 2009, 11:09:49 am
Unbraced low set...

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Title: Re: Black Locust_______Hold it Together!!!! 65lb Shooter
Post by: smokeu on June 01, 2009, 11:19:53 am
SuperGlue and leather Arrow rest.

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Title: Re: Black Locust_______Hold it Together!!!! 65lb Shooter
Post by: Okie on June 01, 2009, 11:40:35 am
Great looking bow Mike. If the handle pops again you can build it up with leather or just leave it off. Tiller looks spot on.
Title: Re: Black Locust_______Hold it Together!!!! 65lb Shooter
Post by: elk country rp on June 01, 2009, 11:41:45 am
i like it!!

don't know if i'd trust it, but i LIKE it!

good luck,
Title: Re: Black Locust_______Hold it Together!!!! 65lb Shooter
Post by: DanaM on June 01, 2009, 11:56:52 am
Looks great to me, just lose the handle ya don't need it anyway :)
Title: Re: Black Locust_______Hold it Together!!!! 65lb Shooter
Post by: smokeu on June 01, 2009, 12:06:23 pm
I wished i could have Dana but it hindged in the handle with out it. I narrowed the handle section too much.... :( so I had to glue it back and wrap it so it would stay on. Thanks for the compliments Dana, Elk Country, Okie 1! I realy enjoyed building this one!

Title: Re: Black Locust_______Hold it Together!!!! 65lb Shooter
Post by: Dauntless on June 01, 2009, 12:44:03 pm
Great bow, hope it stays in one piece.
Title: Re: Black Locust_______Hold it Together!!!! 65lb Shooter
Post by: OldBow on June 01, 2009, 01:21:15 pm
Great candidate for June Self Bow of the Month. Thanks for sharing.
Title: Re: Black Locust_______Hold it Together!!!! 65lb Shooter
Post by: Bullitt on June 01, 2009, 01:31:08 pm
Sweet  bow  Mike! I love black locust. I'm in the slow process of doin one from an inner split. I may need some tips and  help . Going to try a bend through the handle also. Good shootin, Steve.
Title: Re: Black Locust_______Hold it Together!!!! 65lb Shooter
Post by: Bear on June 01, 2009, 01:58:38 pm
Purdy. Just leave it alone till deer season, kill one, then retire it. That way you never have to know what else might have happened.  ;D Hope to try BL soon myself.
Title: Re: Black Locust_______Hold it Together!!!! 65lb Shooter
Post by: George Tsoukalas on June 01, 2009, 03:28:12 pm
Well done! Tiller looks great. jawge
Title: Re: Black Locust_______Hold it Together!!!! 65lb Shooter
Post by: PeteC on June 01, 2009, 05:08:19 pm
Looks great Mike!I hope it'll hold together for you.It looks like a hunter to me. God Bless
Title: Re: Black Locust_______Hold it Together!!!! 65lb Shooter
Post by: medicinewheel on June 01, 2009, 05:12:31 pm

Looks good! Hope it'll not pop off again...
Title: Re: Black Locust_______Hold it Together!!!! 65lb Shooter
Post by: Little John on June 01, 2009, 06:26:47 pm
I just finished a bow with a glue on handle that I thought might pop off.  I wraped it with gut hafting material set with TBIII. The gut is available from three rivers or Pine hollow longbows. It made a decent handle that I  have confidence in.  Nice bending piece of wood, well done bow.    Kenneth
Title: Re: Black Locust_______Hold it Together!!!! 65lb Shooter
Post by: cowboy on June 01, 2009, 07:49:17 pm
Looks like that aughta gitter done Mike - nice bow!!
Title: Re: Black Locust_______Hold it Together!!!! 65lb Shooter
Post by: smokeu on June 01, 2009, 09:10:58 pm
Thanks Dauntless, Oldbow- I consider it a privelage,Thanks Bullit and Bear thats not a bad idea at Thanks Jawge you where a big help in the process. PeteC- thanks a lot buddy you helped me a ton also and maybe we can get together and shoot some fish one day- Got a place on Caddo Lake!  Thanks Medicinewheel im a big fan of your work! 
Title: Re: Black Locust_______Hold it Together!!!! 65lb Shooter
Post by: 330bull on June 02, 2009, 10:21:07 am
Man I like the tiller more than anything.  You absolutely nailed it.  How does it zing an arrow?  Great job!!!
Title: Re: Black Locust_______Hold it Together!!!! 65lb Shooter
Post by: Pappy on June 02, 2009, 10:32:41 am
Nice looking bow,tiller is dead on.Hope the handle stays on,The rawhide should hold it.I have used it before with good success.  :)
Title: Re: Black Locust_______Hold it Together!!!! 65lb Shooter
Post by: smokeu on June 02, 2009, 12:20:57 pm
Thank you Pappy, means a lot coming from such a respected member of the community! Thanks Little John, Cowboy. And Joe it shoots very nice and fast.

Thanks for all the compliments... feels like im coming full circle!

Title: Re: Black Locust_______Hold it Together!!!! 65lb Shooter
Post by: 1/2primitive on June 03, 2009, 04:27:54 pm
You did a good job, hope it shoots well for you.
If the problem with the handle ever comes up again, you can glue on a couple of pieces of thinner wood for the handle, it'll probably hold together for you.
Title: Re: Black Locust_______Hold it Together!!!! 65lb Shooter
Post by: smokeu on June 04, 2009, 10:17:42 am
Thanks Sean, I appreciate the compliment>>>>So far so good...she's shooting like a champ!-----hard and fast!!!! Thanks so much guys!!!!! The rawhide seemed to do the trick.
