Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: R H Clark on May 19, 2009, 10:00:27 am

Title: Hello and questions
Post by: R H Clark on May 19, 2009, 10:00:27 am
Hello everyone.
I am again interested in selfbows after a layoff of about 15 years.about 15 years ago I got ahold of the Traditional Bowyers Bible 1 and made a few Hickory self bows.I am now interested in Osage as I have found a source of reasonable priced staves.I had no interest in learning on $80 wood for a long time.I have always been able to cut my own Hickory.

I will be subscribing to Primitive archer magazine but would like to ask ,what's the best book or books on dealing with Osage.I would be very interested in learning to build a RD backed or unbacked bow.

Also I need to know the correct forum to ask all my newby questions such as,
1.Can Hickory be bent into a RD shape using a heatgun and form? Same for Osage? I know a glue-up in a form can be done.
2.Will a large heart of Red Cedar make a bow maby sinew backed?

Also I live in Winston county Alabama and go every year to the Twinn Oaks trad shoot.I know I can learn a lot there but I can't wait untill next year. :)
Title: Re: Hello and questions
Post by: TRACY on May 19, 2009, 10:19:45 am
You'll forget more info than you can retain at the Classic with all of the knowledge that is present.  ;) TBB's are good references along with others from Hamm, Torgues, Laubin ...... and others. Welcome back!

Title: Re: Hello and questions
Post by: Pat B on May 19, 2009, 08:30:21 pm
Dean Torges' book "Hunting The Osage Bow".