Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: snedeker on April 29, 2009, 11:10:01 am

Title: Grips (...grunts and groans..)
Post by: snedeker on April 29, 2009, 11:10:01 am
after becoming rather suddenly vision-impaired in 2006 (borderline legally blind) I have been able to continue to make some pretty decent bows.  The one limitation I have is on grip treatments.  I never was particulary deft at leather stitching and tended toward simple glued on pieces of leather.  I really slaver when I see some of the grips you guyes come up with, for instance as on the "thrown together elm" by twistedlimb a little below.  My sloppy grips are sullying some otherwise nice looking bows.  Now, there are several alternatives here I can think of.  One is to shut up and appreciate the reality of the situation.  Another would be to go to the Amish leather shop nearby and make a deal with the dude to do my handles leathers.  I suppose I could also experiment with alternatives such as cane or cord wraps.  Just musing a little.  This is not an "aw poor me" thread.


Title: Re: Grips (...grunts and groans..)
Post by: Kegan on April 29, 2009, 11:57:48 am
I've only done one, but it was one of the easiest I tried- a leather wrap. Just take a long, about three or so foot section about an inch wide, and wrap it around, trimming the edges. Glue the ends. Presto! It takes alot less time and has a certain "rustic" look to it. Only down side is findning enough leather, and on extreme locators.

Hope this helps add to alternatives :)
Title: Re: Grips (...grunts and groans..)
Post by: Tom B on April 29, 2009, 11:58:53 am
I understand have used cane or rattan from Pat B looksgood and works very well.Chris Cade has shown me tennis racket grips that would complement any bow
Title: Re: Grips (...grunts and groans..)
Post by: Canoe on April 29, 2009, 12:25:01 pm
Howdy Snedeker,

I found this Build-Along thread, a while back, in the "How-To" section of this PA site.

I like this wrap a lot - it's unique, simple, yet attractive.

It's a Build-Along put together by Cooper,  February, 09;  'Another Bowhandle Wrap.'

Here ya go...,11177.0.html

All the Best,
Title: Re: Grips (...grunts and groans..)
Post by: lowell on April 29, 2009, 12:38:07 pm
I would not hold anything angainst you if you made a deal with an Amish craftsman. ;)

  For some reason, wraping the handle is my least favorite part of the process!! :-[
Title: Re: Grips (...grunts and groans..)
Post by: Coo-wah-chobee on April 29, 2009, 12:54:57 pm
Dave.......How about no wrap at all ?......bob
Title: Re: Grips (...grunts and groans..)
Post by: NOMADIC PIRATE on April 29, 2009, 02:11:39 pm
I too couldn't ever do a leather wrapping that looked any decent, and never really liked the process,.....much happyer with my final product since I started using Hemp or Cotton treads  ;D
Title: Re: Grips (...grunts and groans..)
Post by: John K on April 29, 2009, 02:33:14 pm
I like the Hemp handles myself, plus all my friends that i show my bows to, really like the feel of the wrapped handle.

Good luck !
Title: Re: Grips (...grunts and groans..)
Post by: snedeker on April 29, 2009, 03:16:22 pm
What is it, that fine cord?

Title: Re: Grips (...grunts and groans..)
Post by: John K on April 29, 2009, 03:18:07 pm
I've used Hemp, Jute and Sisel. There about 1/8" in diameter.
Title: Re: Grips (...grunts and groans..)
Post by: NOMADIC PIRATE on April 29, 2009, 04:02:09 pm
The thinner the better  ;)
Title: Re: Grips (...grunts and groans..)
Post by: Ryan_Gill_HuntPrimitive on April 29, 2009, 07:08:26 pm
thanks for the compliment on my leather grip.  sewing the grips on is one of my favorite      not sure how you tried it, but...trick is to cut it to size and stretch it over well then soak it in water for 15 minutes and stretch it over again and always cut it just a little smaller than you need it b\c it will still stretch more, then start stitching, go slow and make them even, after sewing some 55 grips i have gotten pretty good at it.  if your eye sight is not so good, you could try some of those magnifying glasses like for fly tying or soldering.
Title: Re: Grips (...grunts and groans..)
Post by: Keenan on April 29, 2009, 07:28:11 pm
 Dave here is a link to one that I did as a buildalong a while back.  I also found that if I use the same leather and cut my own lacing,that it has the same stretch and I can cut a slightly wider lace then store bought and they match the hole punch better. Hope this helps.,5884.0.html
Title: Re: Grips (...grunts and groans..)
Post by: Timo on April 29, 2009, 11:15:11 pm
That's a cool looking bow and handle wrap keenan. ;)
Title: Re: Grips (...grunts and groans..)
Post by: smokeu on April 30, 2009, 08:25:37 am
Yea that bow is real cool>>> Here is a wrap i did i actually go the idea from  Nomadic Pirate who has some really nice bows btw... The are way easier than leather for sure i actually just loose wrapped then coated with glue.

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Title: Re: Grips (...grunts and groans..)
Post by: snedeker on April 30, 2009, 10:49:05 am
Lots of great advice and examples.  I appreciate it.  I may contact some of you for further advice.
