Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: smokeu on April 22, 2009, 03:08:56 pm
Anyone know where to get hickory boards in east texas or anywhere for that matter?
I would not mail order boards intended to be bows unless you buy from a bowyer. You need straight grained boards. There's info on my site regarding board choice. Jawge
Not sure what part of east Texas you are at, but here is a great lumber yard. The Hardwood Barn. Im in west Texas, and wish I lived closer to the Hardwood barn.
many times you can get hickory, ash, walnut, and other decent bow woods from a local lumber yard 3 sides planed. not talking about the orange or blue superstore hardware stores, just a lumber yard. many of these woods are used for trim in new homes. hope this helps.
Dustin D
I have found that most lumber yards in Texas only carry Pecan as their hickory. It's kind of hard to find any other species.
All the major cities (Austin, San Antonio, Dallas/Fort Worth, Houston, etc) have hardwood suppliers and they carry both domestic and tropical species. Sometimes you can get mesquite boards as well.
Burnie is right about the pecan, though....I haven't seen true hickory at any lumber yard in Texas....except for tool handles.
the hardwood barn is in Mt enterprise i believe, that may be pretty far west of you. if you ever make into dallas there is Woodcraft that has excellent boards at super prices. if you make lots of bows it might be worth the trip. Around the Paris tx area there is a saw mill in De kalb not sure about the name though.
Swing over here to Ponchatoula, La. We'll grab some breakfast tat the Waffle House and drop into Acadian Hardwoods and Cypress and pick you out a truckload of hickory.....and cherry......and oak......and maple.......
Why hickory boards, not staves?
Hey islandpipper I would take u up on it if it werent a 5 hr drive! and Bullitt if I could get a good Hickory stave I would sure use it. I have limitted resources/ wprk space to split staves, I figured I would wait till next winter to get some staves I dont know if I could keep em from splitting. I do have a buch of Black locust by my house Im getting into right now. not sure how it compares to Hickory though just figured they would be easy to work.
Thanks Sulpher the Barn is about an hour and 10 min from me hope to check it out soon thanks for all the help. I also found a bow builder pretty close and hes getting me some blank bow boards to work on too.
hey let me know if you need to get rid of any of that black locust. i have found only a couple trees of it where i live (sulphur springs). gots lots of osage though. maybe we can trade sometime. longview is only about an hour or so from me.