Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: Red Dwarf on April 14, 2009, 05:58:30 pm

Title: Tiller advice needed for my 1st R/D
Post by: Red Dwarf on April 14, 2009, 05:58:30 pm
I am under way with the tillering of my 1st attempt at a reflex/deflex design and am unsure of how to get the whole limb working, and the timing of the "opening up" of the reflex section. (I hope that makes sense).
I have really would appreciate some help with this as I am wary about bracing the bow for the first time without some experienced eyes pitching in.


Red Dwarf

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Title: Re: Tiller advice needed for my 1st R/D
Post by: nickf on April 14, 2009, 06:24:59 pm
you're on the right track Red Dwarf!
thought I posted in this thread before, but it somehow dissapeared, lol!

Title: Re: Tiller advice needed for my 1st R/D
Post by: Shadow Walker on April 14, 2009, 11:11:55 pm
Hi Red Dwarf,
I just finished tillering my first reflex deflex bow. My bow is maple and only 48'' long. (46" nock to nock) I will be sinewing the back for added security.
I found that it worked best for me if the limbs " straighten out" at about mid draw lenght (in my case 28" draw lenght) so my limbs straighten at around 14" of draw.
That way, when the bow is at full draw, it should look like a "D" bow.
It looks to me like your second photo with the longer brace may be close to where you need it to start "straightening out".
Divide your draw lenght by 2 and see where your tiller is at. Go very slowly at this point and start to get the outer part of your limb bending.
Hope I explained this clearly, reflex deflex can be tricky to tiller,
I think you have it bending enough already at the fades so I would start working the outer limbs slowly and go from there.
Keep posting those pics as you go, as it's always good to have a pair of fresh eyes as you proceed with the tillering.
Good luck!!