Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: FlintWalker on February 08, 2009, 08:04:26 pm
This is nowhere close to what Yazoo can come up with. But considering it was free...I'm happy! ;D
I looked over most of a 500 acre farm today and only found two decent trees. I also cut a couple nice saplings.
I got a lead on another property across the road that is covered in osage. Hopefully I can get over there and help the farmer out by ridding him of some that "worthless bodoc" ;D
I don't drink, but after splitting this myself...I need a beer. ;D
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what a haul! :)
Could you split those stavesin half again? Is that called piggybacking?
David, you could get a nice belly split from a few of those bigger staves, but most of them are too small.
There ya go again Shannon - your going get to set up with osage for life if ya don't quit it ;D. That is some purty wood, what is the one with dark heartwood?
nice haul :o
i'll take the one with all the natrual reflex off your hands,if you dont want it
They have some damned nice Growth Rigs Shannon...should make some nice Bows too!! You Guys make me jealous with all of the Free Wood....All we have here is Bushes!! That one looks like Locust to me....
Sweet! Wanna sell or trade any of that???
The other one is erc I'd say..... ;)
Cowboy, you can never have too much osage. The one your asking about is Eastern red cedar
Eldestructo, it's all osage except that one cedar. The growth rings were great on the biggest log I cut but pretty tight on the smaller ones. I got 9 staves from that big tree, not counting a few belly splits. Most all of those other staves except the saplings, will need around 1/2" of heartwood removed just to get down to a decent ring for the back.
Adb, most of this is going to the Classic to sell or trade.
Sailordad, that ain't's just crooked ;) ;D
Oh yea,that's what I'm talkin' about. God Bless
Did you whack those trees on Elbow Bend?
Not down in the bend, more in the center point area. Just up the road from the Y, going towards Burksville. The farm across the road has TONS. I ain't sure who owns it, but if it's who I think it is, I already have permission to cut it. ;D
I know where you're talking about. I have about 50 osage trees on my farm, but 95% of them are SNAKEY. The nicest, straightest one is actually a limb growing up from a fallen trunk. And of course it's in my yard and one of the few shade trees I have. haha.
Another nice haul Shanon.You are right,can't have to much,it won't go bad if the bugs don't get to it. :)
Nice looking stuff Shannon, trade ya a big bucket of snow for one ;)
Good lookin' haul Shannon. Looks like a little propellor in some of it, but nothing that a little dry heat won't take care of! ;)
Yeah, splittin' that much by yourself is quite a job!
you american guys are so lucky with that much osage :)
nice bunch of staves ya got there ;)