Author Topic: Hello. New to forum. Hunting Bow  (Read 11286 times)

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Re: Hello. New to forum. Hunting Bow
« Reply #15 on: December 04, 2008, 07:22:13 pm »
 Where you live a good osage board backed with hickory or bamboo would work just fine. You can heat and bend the board into a reflex and then glue the bamboo on. Go to the bottom of the page to the Classifieds and you will see some of the advertisers. Three Rivers among a few others, like Mike Yancy sell what you need to make a great bow, right down to the instructional video's and books. Or after you get the materials, advice on this site is free. And welcome aboard.
Lakeland, Florida
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Offline ballista

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Re: Hello. New to forum. Hunting Bow
« Reply #16 on: December 05, 2008, 10:51:28 am »
to be honest, you can hunt with a selfbow, hickory is one of the best woods ive ever worked with, but ive never made anything shorter than 66 inches, if you're stand hunting you might want to have a good far as i can say, hickory is one of the best core woods out there, osage makes a much better shortbow than longbow from what ive read. good luck man. -jimmy
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Re: Hello. New to forum. Hunting Bow
« Reply #17 on: December 05, 2008, 11:46:17 am »
I'm looking at probably 72" and I only hunt from the ground using whatever natural blinds I can.
Is Hickory with no backing very durable? Can I get minimum 50# out of it?

Offline DanaM

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Re: Hello. New to forum. Hunting Bow
« Reply #18 on: December 05, 2008, 12:36:34 pm »
Roofus, check out the trading post here on PA for staves, Im sure you can find some body that can hook you up.

Don't you have a shed full of osage Auggie ;) >:D Or did Brian swipe it all ;)
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Re: Hello. New to forum. Hunting Bow
« Reply #19 on: December 05, 2008, 02:53:10 pm »
you should be able to get that out of hickory, as i have a elb of it that is only an inch wide by a half inch thick and it draws 45, a wider, shorter bow should reach 50 lbe fairly easily. i am also a beginer and dont really have much experience, but i am partial to hickory. best of luck!
lets just shoot it

Offline Jesse

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Re: Hello. New to forum. Hunting Bow
« Reply #20 on: December 05, 2008, 07:36:10 pm »
Welcome .   Nice looking bows in that picture. Great wood color combo in the handles.
I like bamboo backed ipe myself. It makes a very durable and very fast bow with a really narrow profile. The wood is easier to find than osage for me and its usually nice and straight so you can just go to work. Osage is great wood, top of the list, but tends to be twisted or snakey or both. Also if you make a selfbow out of it you have to follow one growth ring on the back. Its not that hard and can be relaxing and fun but it is a bit more work. A good osage stave might run you $50. A piece of bamboo and an ipe board will be about $30. A selfbow will always be way cooler in my book but I think its easier to get a fast shooter from a boo backed osage or ipe. Like others said though these are just a few of the many good bow woods out there. Im finishing up a hard maple bow right now that is shooting really hard and fast.   
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Re: Hello. New to forum. Hunting Bow
« Reply #21 on: December 05, 2008, 11:07:05 pm »
Thanks. I will really think hard before I decide what to use.
The bows in the pics are made of Oak with a fiberglass backing and redwood,mahogany, and maple for the risers.
I built them from a build along on a web site called Bow Building for Poor People and Apartment Dwellers or something like that. I thought it was cool and I admire that guy. I work out of my two car garage and I still don't have enough room. I would imagine that guy is on this forum somewhere.
Anyway, I really do appreciate all the feedback from you folks.

Offline xin

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Re: Hello. New to forum. Hunting Bow
« Reply #22 on: December 06, 2008, 11:49:46 am »
Roo, Son of Massey speaks with great wisdom.  Good toasted belly hickory D-bow can have you shooting a powerful as you want durable bow in one day.   They also can be made to look as pretty and fancy a you want.

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Re: Hello. New to forum. Hunting Bow
« Reply #23 on: December 06, 2008, 03:12:57 pm »
  if you are willing to go to 72" long than the whitewoods are very much an option for you.   they tend to be straighter, the back doesnt have to be worked, and for a first few bows they are an easier way to get a shooter done.   hickory will allow you to go into the low 50's as far as length and still be making a reasonably dependable hunting bow, and it can be made to your weight easily enough.   if you go to about the 65" range you are in a comfortable, safe range-especially for tough hickory.   the reasons white woods so much all center around efficiency and ease.   the wood can be cut and made into a bow in relatively short time.   the wood is usually fairly straight grained.   the back does not need to be chased down to one ring.   more of these trees are common to more areas, and due to the straightness point above, more trees in a patch tend to make good bow staves, so finding wood is easier.   hop hornbeam or hickory are the two woods i reach for first when i just want to make a bow that finishes, stays together, and is reasonably easy wood to work.     

selfbows are similarly easier than backed bows or R/D type designs, so i would suggest the simple straightforward selfbow as the design class to work with.   actual measurements will of course vary, but if you shoot for 60-65" at about 2" wide, or maybe ~72" at 1.5-1.75" wide you would be in decent shape with either hickory or hop hornbeam for the weight and draw that you want.

enjoy, you wont make just one.   SOM


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Re: Hello. New to forum. Hunting Bow
« Reply #24 on: December 09, 2008, 05:14:54 pm »
What would make a good backing for an Oak board bow?


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Re: Hello. New to forum. Hunting Bow
« Reply #25 on: December 09, 2008, 05:29:44 pm »
My first bow on here is a 72" 64# hickory self bow, and it slams an arrow into the target like a hammer. My second one is a piece of oak I got from the local Menard's. Its got a hickory backing, and a mahogany riser, this one I'm only shooting for 45# at 28", and only about 68" in length. I used TB3, and some rubber inner tube for the glue up. That seemed to work fine for me.

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Re: Hello. New to forum. Hunting Bow
« Reply #26 on: December 09, 2008, 05:56:24 pm »
 Just about anything,brownbag,cloth/linen,Ive used cotton bed sheet too,all worked fine.Use tight bond 2 or 3 and  then think about painting,or what ever you wish.
laugh. its good for ya


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Re: Hello. New to forum. Hunting Bow
« Reply #27 on: December 09, 2008, 07:18:46 pm »
You guys rock! Thank you for all the information. Maybe someday I will be able to return the favor.


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Re: Hello. New to forum. Hunting Bow
« Reply #28 on: December 09, 2008, 07:22:19 pm »
My first bow on here is a 72" 64# hickory self bow, and it slams an arrow into the target like a hammer. My second one is a piece of oak I got from the local Menard's. Its got a hickory backing, and a mahogany riser, this one I'm only shooting for 45# at 28", and only about 68" in length. I used TB3, and some rubber inner tube for the glue up. That seemed to work fine for me.

You have pics?


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Re: Hello. New to forum. Hunting Bow
« Reply #29 on: December 10, 2008, 12:59:47 am »
Hey Roofus, I bumped up the post  of the pictures of that bow I made. It is in the main discussion area/bows/my first bow. I'll try to post the other one on this page, so you don't have to go looking for it. ;D