Had a great day yesterday. Two days earlier, I almost took a shot at this same deer, but the angle was questionable, so I passed. Fortunately, he didn't bust me, so I knew his habits and he didn't know mine. Yesterday at first light, he came along again and gave me a nice broadside opportunity just over 20 yds. I was 10 ft up in a cedar with nice cover. I managed to send my cedar arrow right behind the shoulder bone in into his heart. Watched him go down 50 yards away.
I used this Osage take-down selfbow I made and posted last fall:
http://www.primitivearcher.com/smf/index.php/topic,3587.0.htmlI finally got first blood with my own tackle. What an experience! I may have to get this one mounted. It's a pretty small 8 pointer by most people's standards, but it's a real trophy to me.
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