No place on the web is there a group of guys who are more concerned with "doing what the wood wants to do" than you all here on PA.
Well, try this one of for size. A method of putting recurves in limb ends that is easy, painless, safe as any other, and re-do-able.
I made a red oak bow over the weekend and today decided to recurve the tips. So, I clamped down the tip, back side down with the remainder of the bow hanging out in space. I put another steel clamp on the other, the bow was canteleverd out across the shop, clamped down at one extreme tip and with a weight on the other end.
Then, I poured a cup of coffee, got out the water spray bottle and the heat gun, and began heating and dampening and sipping coffee.
When the first six inches or so were hot, the bow just sagged down to the floor. A short wait and the clamps came off. Wow.......a recurved limb. Repeat on the other end and I had a recurved bow.
No muss, no fuss, no boiling liquids, no cusswords.
Just for the fun of it, i did that to the half a n osage bow i had left from last weeks explosion.......and it bent even easier. A little propeller bent in. I wasn't watching.....could have twisted it out but i had coffee in that hand.