Author Topic: Sapling Bow Project - Holly (green reduction)  (Read 29499 times)

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Re: Sapling Bow Project - Holly (green reduction)
« Reply #45 on: November 24, 2008, 10:12:03 pm »
Really? No one told me that.  :-\ I've been using it on our glass flat top stove right along. I use both front and rear burners at the same time.  ;)
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Offline ber643

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Re: Sapling Bow Project - Holly (green reduction)
« Reply #46 on: November 25, 2008, 08:28:19 am »
Wow - I don't recall (or never knew) if it is supposed to damage the pot, or stove top - or what. I'll have to ask the wife if she knows when she gets up. If you've been doing it fight on, I guess it doesn't matter much, except for interst. I do know our neighbor's ceramic stove top (not much older than ours) already looks like a total mess from her careless treatment of it (she's a good cook though - LOL).

The move took some, at least, but I believe I am going to try it again (to learn the lesson well and move it a little more). BTW it also seemed to help the alignement of one of the limbs at the same time. I will use a little larger pot this time and go for an hour and a half, and maybe a little faster boil for more steam too. I like what it did - I just want more and easier/surer results, if possible.
I appreciate your help and encouragement, buddy.
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Re: Sapling Bow Project - Holly (green reduction)
« Reply #47 on: November 25, 2008, 07:32:50 pm »
I asked Rose about the Ceramic Stove Top thing, just to keep from leading anyone astray here. It wasn't "thickness" required, it was "flatness". All of our thin pots were old and no longer flat, so we started looking for flat ones and that led us (and my mind) to thick ones - LOL. Probably with the tinfoil roaster pans the weight of the water makes it flatten out. Wanta know what happens when you put one on that isn't flat - it "dances" and rattles, and therefore doesn't get good transfer of the heat - There- glad we got that cleared up. Sorry for the slight detour, guys.
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Bernie Dunn
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Offline Ryano

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Re: Sapling Bow Project - Holly (green reduction)
« Reply #48 on: November 25, 2008, 08:04:07 pm »
OK Bernie. Makes sense.  ;D
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Offline ber643

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Re: Sapling Bow Project - Holly (green reduction)
« Reply #49 on: November 28, 2008, 07:48:58 pm »
The evening before Thanksgiving, armed with more advice from friend Ryano, I found time to re-try steam bending Hollyween's handle. The only difference from the first/last attempt is a longer time in the steam bath. Well, I did switch to a tad larger pot but only because it is not my wife's very favorite one  ;D. I steamed the handle (as in the prior pic) for an hour and a half, instead of just an hour. Immediately upon tightening the most crucial clamp (to move the handle sideways), I could see, and feel ,the difference. As you said, Ryan, not quite like a wet noodle but certainly  closer to that in comparison than in the earlier attempt. Thursday evening at 8:30 it was time for the unclamping, and I was quickly adding thanks to the ones I'd expressed earlier in the day. The handle hardly moved at all from where I had hoped to move it to, and you can bet I was very pleased with the results. Another lesson learned.

Now about all I need to do, before getting on with the much delayed tillering (I think), is a little steam bending to one tip. I might finish her by next Halloween, yet  :D
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Offline George Tsoukalas

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Re: Sapling Bow Project - Holly (green reduction)
« Reply #50 on: November 28, 2008, 08:47:57 pm »
Good, Bernie. I'd tell you to take your time but... :) Jawge
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Offline ber643

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Re: Sapling Bow Project - Holly (green reduction)
« Reply #51 on: November 28, 2008, 11:49:54 pm »
LOL - yeah, i'll consider doing that, Jawge.
"Hunters Are People Too" (My website Premise)
Bernie Dunn
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Offline Ryano

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Re: Sapling Bow Project - Holly (green reduction)
« Reply #52 on: November 30, 2008, 09:41:45 am »
Glad to help Bernie. Did you take it a little bit passed the point where you wanted it to stay with the clamp? There will always be a little bit of creep back off the form. You can make up for this most of the time with a little bit of trial and error, you'll get it. Don't rush yourself. Take your time.  ;D
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Offline George Tsoukalas

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Re: Sapling Bow Project - Holly (green reduction)
« Reply #53 on: November 30, 2008, 10:22:37 am »
Ryan, I'd check the instructions that came with your stove. There are some pan specs on a burner but I forget what they are. Jawge
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Re: Sapling Bow Project - Holly (green reduction)
« Reply #54 on: November 30, 2008, 10:54:24 am »
Hi Bernie-nice work! This is fun to follow along, I enjoy watching your progress, and your willingness to share the details.

Offline ber643

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Re: Sapling Bow Project - Holly (green reduction)
« Reply #55 on: December 05, 2008, 11:55:40 am »
Thanks for staying with me guys - LOL (things are so hectic these days). I do try to go a little beyond what I want (in a move/bend) when I can, Ryano. This Holly fights a little more in that respect, sometimes, it seems.


While I am in the thros of changing over to a new computer (fortuitous Christmas sale price), I am also nursing the old one along enough to do some things/some days (more fun). So an update on Hollyween:

Finally got some steam heat bending to work on the handle, in my last update, so moved on to trying to do a similar proceedure on the twisted tips. The problem was, I had a couple of things that I needed to change. First I knew the wood would be softer after steaming, so I couldn't use the cresent (adjustable) wrench as before, without crushing the wood. Also I needed something heavier, to reflex the limb tip a little (on the tip of one, and a little further back on the other limb). I finally remembered an old tool I've had for eons - can't even remember where I got it. It is a combination pipe and or oil filter wrench that uses a length of web to do the griping, and the weight of the handle to apply the pressue/leverage. I was able to set it up pretty much like I did the cresent wrech but in different places. Below is a picture of the first tip and then I did it again (with different placement of clamps, etc.) for the other limb. Much to my pleasure it worked pretty well on both tips. One tip, I may have to do a little more on but, not if I get lucky, as I move into tillering. it may be awhile before I get to that, with all else that's going on. The bow looks considerably straighter now (still with plenty of "character" in her).

"Hunters Are People Too" (My website Premise)
Bernie Dunn
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Offline ber643

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Re: Sapling Bow Project - Holly (green reduction)
« Reply #56 on: December 12, 2008, 06:39:03 am »
Been sick and changing computers while recovering.

Just one more off-topic comment please, folks. If we ever (or even might) exchange e-mails please send me one now, so that I may get you (back) in my new computer's address book. Thanks.

I'll be back 100% soon.
"Hunters Are People Too" (My website Premise)
Bernie Dunn
Coastal NC

Offline ber643

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Re: Sapling Bow Project - Holly (green reduction)
« Reply #57 on: December 15, 2008, 09:37:21 am »
I am getting back close to normal (physically that is) and should start up on Hollyween again soon (she's looking pretty good after the steam beding of the bow ends.) BTW here is a trick I found, for helping in that prceedure. I was trying to figure how to support the bow were only one end was over the pot on the stove, without it being in danger of falling off the pot. All the sudden it dawned on me to set my camera's adjustable mini-tripod on the counter beside the stove and set it at the proper height to support the other bow tip. Worked like a champ and never a slip, with the foam padded plate for the camera seat. Maybe it will help others too. I also almost have my puters (new and old back to normal as well - LOL)
"Hunters Are People Too" (My website Premise)
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Offline George Tsoukalas

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Re: Sapling Bow Project - Holly (green reduction)
« Reply #58 on: December 15, 2008, 11:16:40 am »
Awesome, Bernie. You are a marvel. You don't realize how much you are inspiring me. Glad to hear you are feeling better. Jawge
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Offline ber643

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Re: Sapling Bow Project - Holly (green reduction)
« Reply #59 on: December 16, 2008, 08:08:43 am »
Thank you, Jawge - and you always encorage me.

Well, I'm stopped up, dead in the water again, for awhile. Rose caught what I had, and is in about the same shape and test results - but they kept her in the hospital yeasterday, as she has a history of her colds, etc. turning into pneumonia. They want her where they can keep an eye on her.

My dogs (5) are all mad at me, because I didn't bring her home yesterday. You know, the looks that say, "You took her away, now what'd you do with her???"
"Hunters Are People Too" (My website Premise)
Bernie Dunn
Coastal NC