Here is an Ash “Cupid” style bow. This is also sometimes called a “5 curve bow”. Either way it sure is a nice sleek look! Like a Plains Bow with recurved tips. It is important to note that the Plains natives did not recurve there tips that I know of. This is more of a modern bow but has the look of a lot of ancient bows put together. Its really nice to shoot with little stack due to the tips.
Ash/Cherry bark/ Sinew
48” nock to nock
Here is the back:


Unstrung profile:

Here is the braced profile. In this and in the full draw you will notice that the bottom limb is stiff. This has been a very intentional design I have been ding lately on my short sinew bows. The bottom limb holds up much better over time. Its just a slight stiffness you are looking for.

Tips. Laquered black:


Here is the full draw. Again note the lower stiff limb.

Overall a great design. This is the first of many I have planned.
Thanks for looking,