I found this Rowan stave from a construction area that the city was working on, so I decided to save it. The stave was really curved, and this bow is from the deflexed side. The natural defex that the stave had was about 5". Now that I worked a bow out of it the bow has around 4½" of deflex. It reflexed it's self a bit guring the drying period. So basically the bow has ½" reflex compared to the original stave. no string follow at all.
The stave was a tricky one to tiller, hence all the natural curves that were real dramatic. So I followed the wood, and tillred it as I saw best. No chryshals, no splinters, no set. this is by far one of the best bow's I have made. I know it might not look so special to you, but I have a shortbow fetish

. I also find them very pleasing to the eye.
The handle is wrapped with hemp and the bow is finished with cotton oil and beewax mixed with soil colour. I just call it red dirt. kinda like clay, but not quite.
Here are the specs: it's 42" NTN and draws 47#@20".
I had to keep the outer limbs a bit stiff to keep the string angle from being too big. It bends slightly from the handle and is a sweet shooter.
It's also decrowned.
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