last time i had it on the scale it was 60lbs ish at 29",my memory aint the greatest,havent shot it in a while. 60 lbs aint squat for that wood combo
well now i guess i will have to shoot it this weekend and see what its doing,its just been collecting dust for that last few months.
i dont quit remeber what instructions came with it, i think it was a small pamphlet, but it did a decent enough job explaining. however everyone here will
help do a much better job as long as you can post pics as you go along building it

the scraper will probably get dull,mine did when i worked it on ipe. not so much with hickory.
ist a nice little scraper,easy to sharpen and gives nice control too.i have two of them never have a dull one,plus i have other things i like to scrape with.
dont know about the 10lb rule of thumb thing,my wheelie bow is set at 50lbs, elb is 60lbs,my reflex deflex boo/hick combo is about 50ish ithink.
i aint so young anymore and have had a couple of shoulder surgeries,so i tend to keep them at 50ish.
this aint like pulling a wheelie bow either,with let off and such. you dont hold them for long at draw etc.
make sure you get your trad draw length measured so you know what to tiller the bow to.
ggod luck