Author Topic: Steaming yew question  (Read 2590 times)

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Steaming yew question
« on: November 09, 2008, 03:57:19 pm »
Hi guys, I'm luckily about to start on my first yew staves and I'm very excited about making a light butt bow and a warbow but need a little advice. The lighter stave is crooked to the point that a string wont lie along the belly and the heavy stave has deflexed tips, so I was going to try steaming them into the shape I want and would really appreciate any tips or advice on this as I have not done this before and dont want to ruin hard got by yew.

Offline Keenan

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Re: Steaming yew question
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2008, 06:32:44 pm »
 If the wood is already cured and dry, you might be better to use dry heat. Are the bows arleady rough tillered?


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Re: Steaming yew question
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2008, 06:54:26 pm »
I am steaming so yew today ;), I just put a pot of water to boil with a rag for a lid, let her warm up and then bend it over a bowl unside down when I want it to go. There is fancier ways that would be perhaps better results, but for this bow its fine.

You should have your bow tillered a bit follow the grain, don't bother looking at where the string ends up yet, just get it looking like a bow, but carve the bow so the rings feathered out in the center of the bow, follow the grain and just pretend the bow is straight,

then when the bow is close to finished steam bend it to shape, you don't have to get it all in the 1st steam, it may take many attempts, let it cool for a long while between,

You can just hold it in place while its hot and bending for a few minutes and then leave it, more of it will stay if you tie it down and leave it, but with yew its kind of like playdo and you just bend it around, its fun !

then check if you string is lined up yet and repeat, you also might have to care the nocks a little funny to get the string to line up , you might have to carve the bow to make the limb twist, what ever.

In other words, the just before sanding I steam bend. It makes the carving out of the bow the most important thing. Its hard to carve it with the grain perfect.

Yew is pretty tough so don't worry to much about steaming it into shape.

Offline shamus

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Re: Steaming yew question
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2008, 08:26:01 am »

Lay the stave over a pot. Have to the bow resting on potwarmers so the lip of the bow doesn't burn the wood. Cover with foil.

Steam it for about 30minutes per half inch of thickness.  I usually steam things for 45 minutes, at least...more if needed.

Bend it ONCE. For a second bend, heat it again.


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Re: Steaming yew question
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2008, 03:51:53 pm »
Thanks guys, the staves at this stage are roughed out, not quite to floor tiller stage so I'll do a little more work on them and then before tillering properly I'll try the steaming using the pot and foil method. You really do learn a lot using knotty/bent or twisted staves, its a great experience :)