Author Topic: Got myself in trouble  (Read 8299 times)

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Offline Keenan

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Got myself in trouble
« on: November 06, 2008, 09:17:09 pm »
 Last night I was on Craigslist due to not sleeping well. Skimming through the ads as normal and then my eyes honed in on the add.  FREE OBSIDIAN  2000 lbs. worth.  Having  just been diagnosed with one ruptured disk and two bulging in my back and scheduled for surgery I knew I was already in trouble.  To "not call" was not an option and looking at the time the add was posted I was certain I would be the first to call,,, ::)  Like a junky I could not help myself. 
  The man on the other end of the phone had no idea that I was susceptible to such a great temptation.  He explained that He was into lapidary and didn't really care for the obsidian and that he had a bunch slabbed if I wanted that too.
  With My loving wife off to work I planned the haul. Gritting through the gnawing pain down my leg and a few pain pills later my obsidian pile had grown substantially.
  Rainbow,Mahogany,pumpkin,silver sheen, snowflake, gold sheen were the various types of obsidian. But then while dumping out a few of the crates I discovered some burns green, agate, petrified wood, Dacite, and several other rocks that I don't know. As well as a full crate of slabbed obsidian.
   Not quite sure how to explain the pile of rocks ;D but I'm sure she will require some for her rock garden.
  When I left there was still five 55 gal barrels full. I  called Juniper Junky and he said he had seen the add as well and was going to call me later to go get some ;D >:D I think He is probably still there loading. ::)

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Offline juniper junkie

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Re: Got myself in trouble
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2008, 09:24:47 pm »
Notice how he planned to call me AFTER he got loaded up ??? I went over and went through the rest of the barrels and came home with three milk crates full, even after Keenans highgrading. :D most of the nodes were too small to get good flakes from, but there was a lot of usable stone. hope your back dont hurt too bad.

Offline Hillbilly

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Re: Got myself in trouble
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2008, 09:36:14 pm »
Man, what a haul!
Smoky Mountains, NC

Progress might have been all right once but it's gone on for far too long.

Offline Keenan

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Re: Got myself in trouble
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2008, 09:37:30 pm »
  ;D ;D ;D I know how to get you to come over and play ;D

Offline mullet

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Re: Got myself in trouble
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2008, 09:51:08 pm »
    HOLEY MOLEY! To quote a famous funny guy. Keenan, you can send that blue basket to me. We gotta take care of that back, ya know. ;D You lucky dog. ;)
Lakeland, Florida
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Offline juniper junkie

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Re: Got myself in trouble
« Reply #5 on: November 06, 2008, 09:55:55 pm »
one advantage was either from his hurt back or short arms, but the really good stuff was in the BOTTOM of the barrels ;D

Offline cowboy

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Re: Got myself in trouble
« Reply #6 on: November 06, 2008, 10:09:22 pm »
Whoa! What a haul - you got any of that to spare? Haven't seen ya in awhile JJ, welcome back :).
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Offline juniper junkie

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Re: Got myself in trouble
« Reply #7 on: November 06, 2008, 10:28:45 pm »
Whoa! What a haul - you got any of that to spare? Haven't seen ya in awhile JJ, welcome back :).
  Thanks Cowboy, I have been really busy with a cabin we bought this summer. had to totally gut it out, raise up and replace the roof, new floors etc. but we are getting it all sealed up before winter hits, maybe I can get some projects I started before done. missed you guys too.

Offline Hardawaypoints

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Re: Got myself in trouble
« Reply #8 on: November 06, 2008, 11:19:48 pm »
Dang, I'm not an obsidian lover, but with that much quality rock, I could learn to get real friendly with it. :-*

Even my typing is green with envy...

I hope your back gets to feeling better.  You would be in more trouble if you had to find & haul that rock where it comes from.  Having a good supply of free rock will help ease the pain for sure.

We expect to see plenty of pictures of pretty points in the future.

Luck counts, good or bad.

Offline stickbender

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Re: Got myself in trouble
« Reply #9 on: November 07, 2008, 04:02:48 am »

     Holey Moley!  As Eddie said.  Man!  That piece you are holding up, would make a nice display on your mantle as it is.  AND SLABBED STUFF TOO!!!!!  Here I am trying to thin down some of the stuff Eddie gave me, and you get a ton of beautiful stuff, and some of it slabbed!  And of course you live in Oregon!  I can't just take a two hour drive, like to Eddie's house.  I'd be over there with a trade blanket, hatchets, knives, beads, beer, money, etc.  You lucky dog you.  I hope you are doing better with your back.  I know the feeling.  I had my fourth, and fifth vertabra, with almost no disc in between.  I took a ride on my Chiropractors DRX9000, and it is considerably better.  I still have a few aches and pains, but nowhere like before.  I am glad I retired when I did, I couldn't play fireman much longer.  It was really getting to me.  Man that is a haul!  WhoooWheeee!  Maybe I better talk to your wife, and convince her that it just too unhealthy for you to be messing with all that rock.  She should have it packed up and send it to me, and I will pay freight, and send her a nice big box of Her favorite Chocolate!  C'mon play fair, let me talk to her! 
Man that was your lucky day!  It is just one of those things, that was meant to be.  The add appeared, the wife was away, You were the first to call......The lithic Gods were definitely smiling on you that day!  Slabs no less!  Oh, yeah, thanks.  Yeah, thanks, for showing that.  Show off!
Well now you have to haul it to the cabin.  If I were out there I would help you haul it.  For a nominal chunk, I mean fee.  I'd even load, and unload.  I hope you didn't mention anything about knapping to him.  He just might decide he could make a fortune on the internet!  Man o Man!  Yeah, I am a little worked up, but it is Eddie and Claude's fault, for getting me hooked on knapping!
But seriously thanks for sharing that.  I don't think I could've driven to Oregon to pick it up, even If I were the first to call.  Why can't someone like that live down here in fla.?!!  Have fun, and good luck with your back.  You know a real Indian would've had the wife unload it.   Nope I ain't married.  ;D ;D



Offline DanaM

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Re: Got myself in trouble
« Reply #10 on: November 07, 2008, 07:12:29 am »
Sick with envy here :'(

Hey I could trade you some high quality limestone ::) :P :-*
"Prosperity is a way of living and thinking, and not just money or things. Poverty is a way of living and thinking, and not just a lack of money or things."

Manistique, MI

Offline Keenan

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Re: Got myself in trouble
« Reply #11 on: November 07, 2008, 10:53:35 am »
   Dana, ;D  High quality limestone that was good :D
 Stckbender, got a kick out of that  :D  Do'nt worry I plan on sharing ;)  I'll have to check with your local pusher though, I'm not sure your ready for the pure stuff, ;D

 Jim I'll try not to turn it all into dust ;)
 Cowboy, definately want to see what you can do with obsidian, You got some serious napping skills.

 Eddie,  You were the first to ask so the blue basket is yours.  As soon as I get it unloaded, you can have it :D >:D


Offline nugget

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Re: Got myself in trouble
« Reply #12 on: November 07, 2008, 12:10:50 pm »
WOW I am drooling over the thought of that much free obsidian. I never get that lucky . If you ever get tired of any of it you can definitely send it to me. I will pay the shipping ;D
Life is not a journey to the grave with the intentions of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body. But rather to slide in sideways, thoroughly used up, totally worn out and loudly proclaiming....WOW WHAT A RIDE!!

Offline stickbender

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Re: Got myself in trouble
« Reply #13 on: November 07, 2008, 01:26:48 pm »

     Alright Nugget, back off, I offered first, And I included chocolate!  In fact I now will offer Two big boxes of chocolate!  Plus a case of beer, for Keenan, and I would even throw in a bottle of his favorite distilled delight.  Very good Dana, I think you should get a chunk just for that.  I too can offer lots of limestone, shell rock, sea shells, beach sand, mosquitoes, snakes, gators, gars, lizards, buzzards, nutria, coyote, illegal aliens, UFO's, complete with aliens, my neighbors car, dog, my cat, Tourists,yankees, NY, NJ, Mass, I'll pay for their tickets.  Chads, voting machines, treasure maps, peta members, tramp steamers, no these are old ships, not street vendors.  Did I mention illegal aliens?  A partial list would be from Mexico, Guatemala, Haiti, etc.  And there is no limit.  Now that they will be getting drivers licenses to vote, they can drive to your location.  That is just a partial list of what is available for trade down here.  Did I hear right, you got this stuff for free?  Rats, there goes my shaking again.  Actually, I think I could handle some of those slabs, without losing too much blood.  At first.   Yeah, I'd like to see what the Texican can do with a nice slab of that stuff.  See if the guy you got this stuff from has any contacts down here that might be in a similar situation.  Being the caring, and civic minded indvidual that I am, I would be willing to help to alleviate any problems of too much stock.  But seriously, man that is quite the haul.  Your lucky star sure had a clear view that day.  I think my lucky star is a UFO !  Eddie is going to go hop scotching over to Claude's, and get his slabs made into beautiful arrow heads, and knives.  Fess up Eddie! Not that he isn't capable of producing some very nice stuff his own self.  Including his bows!  Seeing them on the bow of the month was thing, but man actually holding them, was awesome.  They are indeed beautiful.  Ok, Dana you can go first with high quality limestone.  Eddie can get you some low level radiated soil direct from Bartow, if you want to cause a little havoc with the health department, and tell them, your hair has been coming out , and your teeth are loose, and it always seems like a light is in your yard at night, and could they test this sample of soil from your yard.......


Offline DanaM

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Re: Got myself in trouble
« Reply #14 on: November 07, 2008, 01:47:44 pm »
HeHeHe thats was good Wayne, funny you should mention illegal aliens they just rounded some up in town here at gunpoint.
Its funny their from Sweden and been here 20 years, married kids in school and so on. In addition to high quality limestone, I can offer
a Yooper Dictionary, a Complete Yoopers CD collection, pasties, Trenary Toast, a box of vary clean iron ore, 600 jobless peolple to help with the packaging
and sorting of your haul, several displaced Republicans, I also will throw my wife, children and 2 Yorkies and last but not least a big grab bag box of surprises
that I have collected here at work :P Each one gauranteed perfect for regifting to your best friends >:D
"Prosperity is a way of living and thinking, and not just money or things. Poverty is a way of living and thinking, and not just a lack of money or things."

Manistique, MI