Author Topic: need help with treatin deer buckskin "fast"  (Read 3296 times)

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need help with treatin deer buckskin "fast"
« on: November 02, 2008, 11:37:40 pm »
ok gentlemen...

   i need help with prepareing a deer skin hide....    and i need advice fast...

  i have a hide soaking in water with soap / shampoo / and hair conditioner...

i dont know how to treat it... and i dont know if that is something i should be doing...

i shot the buck on open season.. sat morning Nov 1 2008...

i didn't use my bow... i used my .308 usmc m40.....

but i want to use the hide for my primitive achery stuff like quivers and other leather items i can make in the futer with the hide...

i dont want to get the hair off i want to keep the hair on and i will maybe just shorting the hair with electric clipers later... i know its not very primitive but i want the hair look on there but just not as long as the hair is naturaly... 

please help...

i need advice becuase i have never really treated a deer hide....

i have tried to keep hides in the past but all i have ever done to them is stretch them out and poor salt on them and then i have ended up letting them go to waste... just becuase i really didnt have any use for them... and then they ended up getting weathered and either throughn away or lost to wild dog or coyote's or the ones i left at my fathers drying ended up getting cut down to chew toys for his dogs...

but this one i plan to use i have a lot of projects and i want to try and make quivers out of it...
but i need advice fast cuase i dont think i should just let it soak in shampoo and water..

it was packed in ice since yesterday  afternoon (sat nov 1) and placed in bucket of water/with shampoo amd conditioner just and hr ago (8:00 pm sun nov 2) soo it is still pretty fresh i would say but i need to know what to do...
so please i need advice fast...
i really dont want this hide to go to waste..

-thanks in advance...

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Re: need help with treatin deer buckskin "fast"
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2008, 11:44:33 pm »
Well unless you want the Hair to need to get it out of the needs to be scraped (Dry or Wet)free of all of the Meat ....Fat and ligature so the Hide can be Tanned....there are many Tutorials on PA's Site....and also on Paleoplanet too....You can but tanning Solutions ....or Use Eggs to tan it...but the first thing you have to do is quit giving it a Beauty Treatment ....The Shampoo and Creme Rinse are doing no good...and get it dried out....if you don't have time to do it now...let it dry...and Wrap it tightly...and freeze it till you have more time....because this is time consuming....thats why I alway make Rawhide from them!!
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Offline leapingbare

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Re: need help with treatin deer buckskin "fast"
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2008, 01:00:26 am »
Know that you know only freeze it once, if its thawed out and froze again the hair will slip, ask the guys on
Mililani Hawaii

Offline billy

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Re: need help with treatin deer buckskin "fast"
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2008, 12:06:05 am »
HEy SHooter,

I've done a fair bit of braintanning.  If you want to make traditional buckskin, you're gonna have to take the hair off.  If you want to tan it with the hair on, then you'll probably have to have it chemically tanned.  Braintanning deerskin with the hair on creates 5 times more work for yourself.  It can be done, but it'll wear you out trying to tan the skin with the hair on.

Marietta, Georgia