Author Topic: spine tester build along  (Read 41685 times)

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Offline recurve shooter

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Re: spine tester build along
« Reply #15 on: April 20, 2008, 11:50:28 pm »
thats EXACTLY what i needed to know. thanx alot dood! now i got evrything i need to make my sour wood arras.
lets just shoot it


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Re: spine tester build along
« Reply #16 on: October 19, 2008, 09:21:28 pm »
i hope this question gets answered,,

   i havnt built one yet...  but plan to make one asap...  just need to go pick up my drill press from my dads house so i can make holes very accurate or as accurate as possible... but i have a question if i make a 2lb weight and you said to make the wieght with a hook to e able to hook on the arrow right...  well that is easy enouh but when you hook the wieght to the arrow you said to hook it close to the nail???  ok... easy enough but on wich side of the nail????  sich side of the nail should the weight be hooked... and if i have a piece of banding material for my pointer...  should i put some glue on the nail that sticks out to hold it in place so that the weight wont bend the nail or cuase it to down???

i have never used a spine tester befor and i need to make this one...  i really appreciate the build along too...  becuase i really couldnt afford the $100 one right now....

one more question what are some ideas to make the weight out of ???  i dont have a scale so i need to get one... but i would imagine that you would want your weight as small as posible right...

i was thinking of a coke bottle with a hook drilles into the cap and fill the bottle with sand until you get two pounds???  dont know if that would be enough weight but if moer sand is need maybe a bigger plasic bottle...  will this work????

Offline madcrow

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Re: spine tester build along
« Reply #17 on: October 19, 2008, 11:59:55 pm »
I built the same one and I pt some epoxy on the naile head to hold it in place.  As far as the weight goes, I melted 94 1/3 148 grain wadcutters into a tuna can and when it set up, I cut the can away and had a lead hockey puck.  The 1/3 piece and the weight of the metal hook put it on the 2 pound mark.  You can also use 79 of the 177 grain 50 cal round balls, 32 one ounce fishing weights or 16 two ounce fishing weights.  One more, you can also put 2745 copperplated bb's in a light weight cloth sack and have a two pound weight.

martin guy

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Re: spine tester build along
« Reply #18 on: November 03, 2008, 01:11:44 am »
I tried to post this once with pictures, however they were to large.
I am trying to figure out where the center is measured from, the pivot point of the pointer, or the point where the arrow is resting on the pointer.

Thank you!