Its not from the borers....i know how that looks like....this is just like a spot....whenn i runn my fingers on that area, i dont feel nothing chase the ring below its not an option.....this is a bow....its all most finished,,,,,i shot it today.....100 arrows, and whenn i come in to the house i have noticed this spot....but i dont know iff this thing apeared after i shoot the bow, or it wass there from the start....i dont know what to say....this is the first time i have something like that on the back of a bow....usuly this things apear on the belly of the looks to me just like it looks like a ice christall......and whenn i run my finger , the surface is smood....i dont feel a thing... i just realise i didnt specified exactly to what spot im refering to.....the spot is right in the middle of the wood.....its like a little circle.....a little rounde spot...right in the middle of the bow.....those vertical lines, they are just some little cambium wood....i didnt remove it 100 %....