Howdy Group, Aruge, and George T.,
I just backed my first bow, I used silk. It's an ELB-type Red Oak, and it's 72" long, and is 1-7/16" wide at the handle.
How much glue should I have used?
I was afraid that if I didn't put enough glue on, the backing might peel off. But, I was (am) concerned that to use too much glue would add unnecessary weight to the bow.
The way I did the backing was that I spread a layer of TiteBond-3 onto the wood (the back), and then I put the pre-cut silk strips into a plastic bag, added a bunch of TB-3, and squished the bag a while until it looked as though all of the glue had been absorbed by the silk. Then, starting near the handle, I unrolled the bunched up silk onto the limbs. lastly, I made sure there were no air bubbles under the silk.
Later, I was discussing this with someone, (not a bow maker), who said that I could have just laid down a thin layer of TB-3 onto th limbs and laid the silk on top of it, and called it good.
What do you guys think?