David, I am not sure of the rock. My wife had some realy shiny stones from somewhere and we crushed them up and then I added it to the hide glue at the end of the sinew job.
Armymedic, Yes, I use heat to curve the bow. I use a form that has a few curves on it and do each curve by itself. If there is interstes in seeing the process then you guys let me know and I will post up a thred next time I do one.......wich should be in a week or so.
Welch, that baleen is cool right now it is slated for 2 double curved plains bows and a japanese short guards bow that I am trying to get mre detail on. If these is enough left over I will be making a greenland bow. There is not a lot of info on those though so we will see. Steve Moore Yewarcher recreating all the bows of the world! Ya!

PeteC, these all shoot real nice. I love them. They take some getting used to and a comitment to get the shooting style down.
Thanks there Ryano! and as you say Osage is better......if that was osage I would have drawn it 2-3" more. I let it stay at 22" as I have found the ash does not apricate the extreme overdraw. if osage was a person it would be a masochist as it loves to be punished.

Sumpitan, Thanks! That is a very nice compliment. Thanks a lot.