I collected some Horseweed back in the summer to try with the hand drill and just got around to trying it out. I found a dead Poplar limb and split it up for my fireboard. I took the stuff with me to work today and tried it out and was able to get a coal. Some other guys at work tried it too and one was able to get a coal as well. I went back to my wigwam after I got home and made up some tinder with dried grass and cattail pollen then got some more leaves and twigs ready. I was alone so I couldn't take the greatest pics of the process and I forgot a pic of the fireboard and drill. The fireboard is Poplar about 1/4 inch thick, maybe a bit more. I got a coal on my first try but knocked it off of the piece of bark that the fireboard was sitting on, it was small anyway. The second time I got a much better coal, dropped it into the tinder and blew it into flame in about 10-12 seconds or so then started adding leaves and twigs and had a nice fire going in less than two minutes. I was thrilled!! I have been amazed in the little time I've been trying this and will be doing more for sure, although my hands will have to get used to it! Alan
Tinder, dry leaves, twigs, dry strips of bark. I have bigger pieces of wood along the wall of the wigwam.

The coal on a strip of bark

Fire after I had going pretty well

View from outside after I've added more wood