Those are the words of one of my teachres when I was little, and they came into my head today walking back to the house with my brother. It's been three days of hunting so far, and I've gotten three shots off (which is more than my entire last two years of hunting). However, I'm picking up more and more things that are helping. So far: 1. if nature gives you a shot, you're supposed to take it, 2. watch for brush- arrows really do flex alot, give them room to do so, 3. take two seconds to gauge yardage and aim properly, and finally 4. always listen to your medicine.
Now 1-3 are obvious, and I shoudl have known them, but 4 caught me off guard. For years I've had the impression that seeing a hawk was just good luck. No rhyme, no reason. Just seemed the way it was, and usually it was pretty correct (see a hawk in the morning, and you'd have a good day). But yesterday I saw three hawks, all veyr close, all while stalking, and I hand't seen any deer yet. So I figured, "maybe it's all in my head?". And prompty became lax in my stalking. Which spooked three deer and broke one of my broadheads off. Funny, they never tell you that in books on hunting?

Anyway, with all that catalouged and kept in mind, wish me luck. I have a good feeling about this season
