ok so a gut i worked with called and left me a message,wish i would have been home sooner.
his message says that his neighbor is cutting down a couple of smaller apple trees and trimming up a large elm,he also stated that the tree removal guys were
going to be ther shortly with the brush grinder truck. i got home 15 minutes after he called and drove right over, a whole 8 block away.
wouldnt you know it they were already there. i seen them carrying apple tree limbs to the grinder.i yelled "hey hold up there a minute would ya"
ya mind if i take that last stright limb you got laying there from that apple tree, he says" nah,go ahead. you must be the guy thats looking for wood huh"
i said " yup,thats me". he then point to a pile of apple wood thats still laying there,only it was already cut inot fire place logs,damn.
i asked if they had any decent size pieces of that elm left yet,nope already chipped up,bummer.
however i did manage one piece of apple thats about 74 inches long,pretty straihgt for apple,about thre inches across on the large end and two inches across on the other.
i was wondering what is the best way to prep this piece of wood so as it can be used for a bow. would like to get a long bow out of it,lower poundage for a target bow for the little lady a.k.a. the wife

any input is always appreciated
i guess what i mean is, should i split this length wise or leave it whole? if i split it where should i try and split it,being that the heart wood is way off center on one end?
should take and peel the bark off,or not?