Hmmm, Island Piper, Violin makers are a lot like Dental lab Techs. I USED to be one. Like you said get ten together, and they will lie and try to steal customers, by telling the Dentists, he will not charge, for mold pouring, or for stippling, or such. And Bingo, you have lost a customer. They are a back stabging bunch. Instead of getting together, and helping each other, they would rather try to steal business from you. I could say a few unkind things about Dentists also. Oh boy could I. If you ever have to have a gold tooth pulled, MAKE SURE YOU GET THE THE TOOTH WITH THE GOLD CROWN, OR INLAY BACK!!!!! I can take you into ANY Dentist's office, and show you a gallon jar filled with gold and teeth. They send it to the refinery, and minus the refinery cost, they get the money for the gold. Most people don't think about it. After it is just a small peice of gold......Yeah, well it is your small piece of gold! Make sure you get it back! And don't let the Dentist give you any bull about it. Be very adamant about it. And make sure it is YOUR tooth also! Might try to swap a smaller chunk, or even non gold. Well Island Piper, instinct shooting is a fun, and natural way to shoot, and once you get the hang of it, you will do well. Our ancestors survived by it.
Just feel the bow, be the the arrow......and the word for the day is......AHHHhhmmmmmmmmmm
