This is the stick of yew I showed in the recent knot compression thread. After working it a little more, I think I might get away with the knots. Now I am wondering about basic design issues, namely how much reflex I should add or take away from the natural curve with heat. The plan is for a sinew backed bow, 48 " NTN, 1.75 " wide most of the limb length. I want to be able to draw it to my normal 26 inches, and I want draw weight to be more than 50 lbs, preferably 60 lbs. So here are the questions: should I add reflex to the flat limb to match the more curved one, which will bring it up to a whopping 6 ", or should a take it out of the curved limb to match the flat one which will bring it down to 3", or do a little of both? A 48 inch bow starting with 6 inches of reflex is a little extreme isn't it? I've never made a short bow like this. Can pin nocks work on such a thing or will the string fly off? Dave
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