well i just had an awesome deal with cracker,i would recomend him with two gold stars and a thumbs up for trades.
got way more wood than i expected.when i seen the staves leaning agaisnt the house i thought "damn a fricken tree fell against my door.
then i realized a tree wouldnt be wraped in plastic,lol
well i managed to get those two huge ass staves split into something i can manage.ended up with 4 really nice staves and one mediocre one.
2 back, and 2 belly staves that will need to be chased to one ring or else backed with something.
the other one i might try a short bow from seeing as to how it really taperd to one end.
man i feel sorry for him,he ended up with some of my points.thats all he wanted,cant believe someone wanted some of my uglies lol
nah,i jest.he got some nice points
well i would post pics,but the wood is already up n the rafters and i never thought of pics untill now sorry

so ifn any one is thinking of trading with him, do it hes a good guy