Sapwood from a 3" branch given to me by Matt Simpson. Has two rings of heartwood in the mid area that feather out in about 12" . Cherry Bark on back for decoration. 57" long ntn, 58#/27". dry heated to correct a substantial dog leg bend in the middle of one limb, and so-heated in most of the curves. Boiled tips to put them out a little. It started out with the tips 3.5 inches in deflex, and with break-in they about even with the plane of the grip area. Dropped quite a bit of draw weight as it was worked in and exercised too, so I'm glad I started out with plenty to work with. Its a D style, bends all the way through the handle and maintains the 1&1/4" width there. Superb shooting bow.
I'll put a couple better pics on, including a replacement unbraced shot. My son takes my pics - he's a real maestro, eh?
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