David, hogs are few and scattered and mostly on some of the private farm ground over by John Day from what I've heard. The farmers would love for you to take as many as you can get. Also Coyotes are a good challenge and no tags required. Just start tucking away some dollars and make it happen on the elk.

You'll have to clear things with my wife on cornering some of my hunting time. The list is long on people begging to go with us and she has got kind of protective and limiting on who I can guide and call for. Though it's nice to feel needed, I've been guiding for allot of people over the last few years and there are a few others ahead of you on the list. Love elk hunting so much I'd love to take anyone any time, just not possible and don't want to offend anyone so trying to be methodical and fair about it.
If timing works we probably get you in on a hunt mid week while others are working. At the very least I can put you in an area to find some.