i hunt out of a double bull matrix,awesome blind.
i havent used a selfbow or long bow in it as of yet onlt ny wheelie bow

when i purchased it i wasnt into primitive yet.
they do make what they call "recurve" models of most all of their blinds,one of the creators of te double bull blind co..thats all he hunts with are recurves/trad gear.
the recurve models are like 6 inches taller than the regualr models of the same blind.
my next one is going to be the DOUBLE BULL DARK HORSE RECURVE MODEL. they are a little spendy however i think well worth every penny spent.
i have used several other brands and always had problems with them, any thing from noisey to not being able to anchor them down securely.
the only problem i have had with my double bull( used for both turkey and deer ) is figuring where to set it up.

good luck