no serously i dont know what that is???
i'm new to all the technical terms.. i mean i'm really learning alot but im new to building bows and making arrows... i have always owned a bow since i was about 6,7,or 8 yrs old but i mean i used to make them when i was a kid after seeing cowboy and indian shows... on tv.. i'm 35 going on 36 yrs old... sooo when i was 6 yrs old there was some real old school cowboy and indian show on but my first bow i made out of a wooden coat hanger and a rubber band and i shoot the cardboard bottom of a wire coat hanger as my arrow at my brother and he would shoot me with a plastic suction cup wester dart and that how i got started in it was later when i figured out how to cut down branches and for bows and use kit dowels for arrows with dart tips and those fluffy feathers that goes with art crafts my older sister allways had pink and purple fluffy feathers in her room and i'd go in ther and steal em for my
but then when i was older i got a hold of a fiberglass long bow type and some cheap youth arrows with plasic vienes and shoot that and then when i was a teen our local bowling aally hang out had archery that you could rent recurves there and soo every now and then i shot there but when i got out of highschool went straight into the marine corps where i got screened for snipper for my shooting ablilities and turned that down cuase i had intel under contract soo i stayed with my original contract and then served my eight and then didnt hunt for a long time after that didnt even own a rifle but my hand missed the rife, soo i shoot regurlarly and a several yrs back my hands missed the bow soo i bought a small 48" bear recurve 55# @ 28... and thats what i hunt with and shoot now... as for the bow and bow types i know there is long bow recurve and compound.. with as of today i have never Shot a Compound bow... oh and of coarse the simple stick bows that i used to make as a kid...
but now i have learned about a bush bow... a board bow, a self bow, a backed self bow, a laminate bow, a reflex bow and a short bow with is a shorter version of a long bow...
but i dont know what a pyramid bow is

i dont know what a D bow is

(except for that big crossed eyed black guy that came out on that movie friday) lmao...
and i dont know what TBB is...

but im trying to learn...
i would feel stupid but i dont... cause even if i dont know what all theses technical terms are im still going to build bows cuase i enjoy it and even though i have attemted to build about 4-5 bows soo far and all have snapped in two... except for the one i just finished and even that one cracked twice in two differant places and i had two inprovise and tweek and cheat and do everything i can to make sure i got one done...
im still going to continue blind and ignorant of terms and styles... but im going to try and learn...
and im not going to feel dumb becuase i'm new and everybody starts somewhere...
hey i might not know what tbb is or a pyramid bow but i bet some people on this board dont know what a 6.5 grendal is either... or a 6.5-284 or even a chandler rifle...
but that is what i do know and good at... soo everybody has there speacalties and im not here to talk anout long range precesion shooting im here to learn about bow makin and here to have a good time and mybe a little since of humor along the way?

im just tickled to death to be able to convers with such great bow makers... and hopefully i wont step on toes by asking silly questions... or trying to imitaite smeagle and
just haveing a good time... and trying to learn as much as possible...