Took a nice fat doe yesterday evening 90lbs.It was less than a 3 yards shot.Took out the liver and 1 lung.She went about 150 yards. I shot her at about 15 till I got out of the stand and went back to the cabin and changed cloth just to give her a little time.Me and A buddy went back to track her at 15 till 8.About an hour.When we got close to her we heard something and thought it was her,well it
wasn't it was Coyotes.In years passed as cool as it was last night I would have waited till in the morning,good thing I didn't.We got there just in time they had just found her so it turned out OK.
They only had time to chew on the ribs but that was all.I killed her with the I.W. bow I posted a few
months ago.It didn't do much on BOM but it was the bow of the night for me.I also was using my
pretty yellow hickory arrows,self nocks and 160 ace head.Shot clean through her from back bone to chest.Who say a self bow don't have any ump.The bow is 50@26 and a 650 grain arrow.
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