Confession: I am not a bowyer.
A month or two ago I got a couple floor-tillered hickory board staves from Jim Boswell. They are tapered boards really. I took this one in the pic, and backed it with burlap and titebond. Blowup insurance.
I then tillered the stave in using a tree that I made. Got good smooth bends, 1/4" positive in the upper limb, not too much action near the handle. I took off a TON of wood. The bow pulls about 60# @ 26.5". I figure it will drop a few pounds. I cut a small shelf in, and added some oak riser material to scupt a handle. All done with the woodwork now.
Anyway, I shot it today about 100 times and it shoots great. Hits real hard. I am now going to stain it dark mahogany, Danish Oil it once, Tru-Oil three times over that and then wax it. A hunting bow for 2008!
Sorry to bore you real bowyers...but based on this experience I am probably going to start building some bows this winter.

Tillered, tuned, sealed and stained 10-04-08
It's in the Tru-Oil phases now....