Hi, all. Here is some shots of a hickory stave I've started cleaning up to make a new bow.
The overall length of the stave is about 76" long, average width is 2", and average thickeness is 1.5". The big fat knot is where I am worried. I've never made a character bow, and am not sure it is in me right now, but I'm up for the challenge. The knot is about 16" down from one end of the stave, and the width at that point is about 3.5".
I was thinking about trying one of the Native American designs from the Hamm / Allely book, Encyclopedia of Native American Bows, Volume 1. Something relatively simple, such as the Algonkian on page 25, or the Iroquois on page 61. I would like to keep it fairly long, but with that knot, would you guys recommend shorteining the stave to about 60"? Or risk trying to keep the knot in the bow?
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