thanks, alot, these posts have made it alot easier. went out toay, in search of anything. saw two chitmucks and a squerrel, but I was out looking for some osier more that anything
. I looked well, like when we go mushrooming, I just couldn't find the red shoots. I cut some gnarly, crooked tan colered "shoots", growing off a sapling,, those were 100% wood. other than those three, the other long woods i thought useful for arrows were all about 3mm thick of wood, one centimeter of foamy, useless white crud... I checked right along the river though, which its kinda steep. Im thinking maybe in a ditch, where rain water would stand, if I can get a hold of a camera ill post the 3 thick sticks i chopped today. thanks again guys, and do you guys know of any good sites for pictures of red osieror if someone has a few snapshots of red osier (cowboy, those pics are ideal, I think i might buy some cane from the blanket, but... i dunno, it kinda takes the self chopped feeling away. -jimmy