do have Red Osier and wild Rose in Norther Illinois
thanks for the replies, do these species grow pretty thick, or ar they pretty slim naturally? im going to look them up after the post, but they sound like quality shafting- im recently getting into some amateur flintknapping, and i fletch, hopefully i can get enough info to mke some, and post pics
i plucked 11 goose feathers off of the ground by the creek i live by, i know turkey are the traditional favourite, but im pretty sure goose will work, right? oh, zander, two things: one, wherere your whereabouts? i could live kinda near you, 3d shoots or something maybe, and two, i found a reddish plant, grows slim and tall, but crooked. this im not worried about, you can straighten them w/ fire, but do you let the arrow wood dry for long peroid, or just until it gets throughly dry? thanks fro the quick replies, if you guys have pictures of your own primiting arrows and shafting, i'd love to see them, too. jimmy