I want to thank everybody that helped me out with the tillering of this bow a couple months ago. It was a good learning experience and a lot of fun. I'll try to post the pictures correctly. It's a board bow, red oak with a linen backing. 70 inches ttt. pulls 40# @ 28". It's been shooting for a couple months now, but the cast is slow, so I don't think I'll do any hunting with it. I'm going to hang on to it for when I have more experience and maybe back it with hickory. It took a couple inches of set, which I guess isn't too bad, but the spring wood is very porous, so maybe that along with my inexperience contributes to the poor cast. That and the heavy limbs. It's 1 1/2 inches at the fades to midlimb to 1/2 inch tips.
Thanks again. Al
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