ok so i got back to woring on my bow for hunting(hopefully)
never attempted a reflex deflex style bow before. its been glued up since the 4th of july,cut the profile 3 weeks later and its been sitting ever since.
well i got back to scraping on it and got it to brace,however it looks off and im in need of some advise before i go any further.
so i ask of all of you that have made r/d bows for some advise,
where should i work to even out the limbs?
not sure if you can see them but i have marks on the side of the limbs every six inches,please use for reference when giving advise
thanks all very much

oh yeah i forgot to mention that bow season started hered on 9/13. i havent been in the woods asof yet because i dont want to carry that heavy,noisy wheel bow this year.
im not going hunting untill i have this bow finished, so pleeeeaaaaaaase help me.
