hello to everybody,
i'm new to this board and new to primitive archery.. well i cant say New,new... i have always constructed Bows since i was a kid but it usely consited of a branch that i found or choped and strung it up with some kind of nylon string mostly mason line since i'm now a third generation brick block and stone mason. the nylon was always around... but i have never constructed anything well enough to hunt with... i have a bear magnum 48" 55# recurve that i hunt with... have used that for bout 5-6 yrs now... but just recently i have been trying to construct some self bows.. with no luck cant keep them from snaping on me... i think its cuase im trying to keep them short around 54" and keep them up in weight to hunt...
anyway... i have started to construct some primitive arrows out of some sort of long thin brush bush dont know what it is but it is fairly straight and i will try and post pictures of them soon... but i have been looking to find some flint or some sort of stone around my area in the Dallas/ oak cliff area... i have a mountin creek lake close by and some forest area's that i have been searching with no luck... if anybody familair with the area i'm in oak cliff... witch is exactly what that is.. plenty of oak trees and up in a cliff type area... but all the rock from the cliff is a chalky limestone stone type and have come accross alot of granite type stone that breaks open to crystals on the inside but nothing that flacks into a flint or anything that is sharp and hard or sturdy enough to work into an arrow point...
i have located one stone yard that has some sort of flint that they could sell me at about .65 cents a pound but they say there 2 ton pile is mixed with some type of flint and petrofied wood and the peices are about as big as an orange to grapefruit size???
will this work to start learning how to knap???
i have never done any type of knappig and have only looked at a few short videos on youtube...
but here is my question???
wouldnt it be better to find the flint that i'm supposed to knap into points than to buy it??? isnt it about making do with natural resources??? and where is it that im suppossed to find this stuff???
i am always around job sites and i think i'm going yo start looking for some of this stuff but everything i have been working on soo far here lately has been in the city and parking lots and foundations have been all around..and laying nothing but brick.. with no natural rock to be had...
but i'm in the woods sometimes after work and on weekends with my boys and i'm trying to teach them some woodsmanship and were still working on just getting some bows togather that will not snap on us..lol... but anyhelp and or advice would greatly be appreciated...
thanks in advance...