(Deep Breath)......Well guys, looks like this project is another one for the history books. I broke the bow while exercising it (a couple weeks ago).
Here are some pics of the break:
I tried to get a close-up of the break area....you can see a small knot in the back....and this, I think, was the cause of the break.
The knot is a bit too large to be on the bow's back (although I hoped that being near the handle wood reduce the risk) and there wasn't enough sinew to strengthen the weak spot. Combined with the dry air, the bow was probably destined to fail.
I had an antique finish on it and everything! Oh well.....here's a couple pics in the sunlight....
Well. normally what I do when this happens is pack up everything and move on to the next project. The following pics show the progress on the arrow and steel arrowhead....
Inserted goose fluffs:
Views of swallowtail nock and rear of fletching (goose wing):
Close-ups of hammered nail for arrowhead (after flattening, I shape the point with a grinder and file):
Close up of tapered wood tip.
I shot the arrow without fletching in order to match it to the bow.....then painted it with red and yellow ochre pigments, and then fletched it. The feathers are not glued down and are bound with sinew and are folded forward at the rear.
OK....I'm going to attempt another build along soon after Christmas. Same design, same everything except the bow wood will be
red oak.
I guess I'm a glutton for punishment.....