Main Discussion Area > Bows

New Rule Plus 1 (please read)

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Justin Snyder:
I'm glad to hear so many people say they must have missed something. It means that everyone is being kind and that the occasional issue hasn't turned us into a bunch of arguing, whining old hens. I think it is funny that some people over the years have complained that we are too nice and should be more honest. Honest is their word not mine, I think of it as rude. 

akila: a member af PA. for  aboute 2 years i not verry active on this forum....sometimes i make a bow or to and i post themm here.... i always say about this forum only  good words....they are so many good people on this forum..and i just love this will be ashame,  that  this nice atmosfere of friendship, to change on this forum.....wi also have a forum like this in romania, and things got out of control down seams that this is an universal problem with this boards, forums, etc.....but its realy shame....i always told them...lets just try to have funn, to make bow's and basicaly just enjoy a common passion....but it seams that some people take it to personal, etc...some of themm are to pride, and finaly things get out of control, people start to  say bad things to one another, and  its realy shame....lets just enjoy  our self, making nice bow's, going out in the nature.....sound nice right??? ::)

YA I haven't come across any of that stuff. I visit this site daily and read and read as much as i can and to be honest this fourm is one of the major things that have me interested in bowyery. I'm still looking to make that first bow but i know that i will have all the support and information i need from this forum. Thats just the vibes i get from this forum.

Just got back online after a year or so off. Guess I've missed a thing or two. I myself have been guilty a time or two of posting when the 'experts' have it under control. I'll definately keep a humbler attitude toward it. Btw hey all its good to be back.

luke the drifter:
y'all handle this issue a lot better than i would have.  a co-worker says i am not very diplomatic about things, if that tells you anything.  i am shade-tree bow-maker.  let me tell everyone here in this community,  i learn from bit and peices of knowledge found in this community.  i go to it everyday.  i would be none to happy if it closed down because of those that would violate this community's rules of decency and decorum.   


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