I am German, Norwegian and a little English.... strangely all of viking anscestory..Its hard to believe anyone nowadays has just one nationality(ok Finland......what about russians? they visited you before

), its nearly impossible. perhaps you just might not know. people move around...ehh rape and pillage i mean!

..... stuff happens....
Have you heard of the Hiddensee area in Northern Germany? It has many islands, I guess some had fortress towns on them started by vikings and germanic folk... my Oma and Opa are from Rostok, Germany(really close to that area)...on my fathers side (and before that the family came from Rijukan, Norway.)
I have a medal of Ullr, god of the hunt from that region of Hiddensee, im not sure how old it is though, maybe from like Prussian era?
As for the english, on my mothers side. And my Grandmum and Grandfather are from Sandy England, now my grandmum's mother was from Norway, and im not actually sure where, a shame, we think maybe Bergen....and my grandfathers family was living in England for awhile so they are Norman by heritage....
Theres the vikingness summed up for you all....
O yeah and we(my family) ALL SAIL, keep massive gardens, and fish often too. so we keep the traditions alive, brings us all together you know.
Now... ARE YOU JUST ANOTHER DANE?! hahahaha just kidding M8! My girlfriend is Danish, sweetest girl i'v ever met(listens to more heavy metal than i do too)..I want to move to Finland with her!
Now that i have fully introduced myself and my dead relatives too, hahaha.....ehem...
And lets try to make it very specific, for example id love it(and im sure everyone else would too)...if...
Someone who has built a certain type of Viking bow would maybe try and document their work along the way and post it with pictures..wow, that would be so sweet!
I really want to build along with someone, so if anyone would want to guide me... we could go cut the tree in the same week, and then you could walk me through the whole process.... if someone has the skill to do that....oo jaa! 5 stars (double horns

!!!) To thy name!
