This is a red oak board flatbow I built for a build along to get others interested in making their own selfbows. It's Comstock style, with almost the exact same dimensions as the elm Meare Heath overbuilt bow he wrote about in The Bent Stick- the handle being a little bigger. I originally just intended to make this bow up and let it sit until it finds need, I was so suprised with the accuracy and cast that I'll be using it along with my Osage ELB for hunting this fall. I've also taking a liking to heavy handles, so I'll be tying some American longbows soon as well. The only downside to this bow is that the handle joint may give on me, I'm not sure. It's been a while since I've done a glue up other than overlays.
It's 66" long, with a 8-9" handle section. The limbs are 2" wide for the most part and the pin nock tips are 1/2". I've been using a dished grip on my last few deep handled bows after seeing the beautiful work Manny does, and have to come to like them alot. I also used spar urethane to finish it up. It's plain and simple, but a real shooter, so I named it "Jane". It draws about 67# at 27.5".
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