here I am just being quite and try stay out of trubble, and still a couple of individuals are trying to make an "issue" out of a "non issue"
O.K., you guys wanna make me write,...so I'll write some.
First of all let me explain, so that the general public understands.
A couple of months ago after extensive cominication with Marie, Sarah, and various admins and mods, I explained to them that I have some real strong opinions about certain subjects, and being the type that can't just sugarcoat everything if I write, I allways write what I feel, so I let them know that I would refrain from typing anything so to avoid controversy, getting myself in trubble and probably banned too.
I would still post pictures, "AND COMUNICATE VIA PM" (that is partecipating ) there was no objection to this so I stopped typing.
as for BOM, I like it, and thing Don does a great job, however at the moment I don't feel like being part of the magazine, one day maybe I will feel like it again and will be more than happy to go toe to toe with some fine bowyers
Now for the ones that got nothing better to do than get on others threads and try strir things,...get a life !!!!!!
I recived several E-mails about you, and the general consensus is that you should stay on the sidelines and keep your mouth shut while you learn.
I can't belive that after begging 1/2 the PA mambers to vote for your bow so you could win the BOM, you still have the guts to go out and preach other what the rigth thing to do is

That was one of the weakest things I've ever seen, ...only topped by actually accepting the win after being busted

...now you got me typing again, so if I eventually get banned is all your fault

I had a lot of my posts either deleted or edited before I stopped writing, .........I surely hope the mods will leave this one alone