Author Topic: natural cover scents  (Read 19577 times)

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Offline stickbender

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Re: natural cover scents
« Reply #30 on: August 11, 2008, 01:32:21 am »

     Pat, I can relate to Richard's problem with the hornets.  I was hunting in a marsh area Called the Corbett area a long time ago, and I had my buddy drop me off by a saw grass pond, because I knew it was a great place for deer.  Well right next to it was small cypress head.  Well I proceeded to find a suitable tree to put my tree climber on, and started up the tree.  Well all around the tree were a bunch of honey suckle, and lots honey bees.  I paid no attention to them, after all I was going on up the tree.  By the way, it was the only tree that was bid enough in girth, to use my tree climber on.  Well the higher I went up the tree, the more bees I saw, and I couldn't figure this out till I got just about 12 feet off the ground, when I looked up after lifting the foot part, and just about to raise the seat part, and right in front of me was hole in the tree about six inches, by twelve inches, and the bees were swarming out of it!  Of all the trees, in this little cypress head, it was the only suitable tree for my tree stand, and it was a BEE TREE !!  Well I pushed the ground floor button, and got out of there, grumbling to myself, and then noticed a nice oak head, with a nice big oak tree, with a nice  big limb, looking out over the saw grass pond.  So I climbed it, and waited, when I saw a swamp buggy heading for it, and I thought, ok, boys, flush him to me.  Well no dice, about half way through, the guy up top, stands up and starts blasting, and then they pulled up a little, pulled a nice eight point buck onto the buggy.  Well that just made my day.  Sometimes it's just not your turn to win.  Then to top it off, I went on the other side of the Oak hammock, and some nut was target practing, and bullets were heading in my general direction, and when I hollered at them, more came my way.  So I just picked up my tree stand, and headed back up the road towards where my buddies were.  The problem with the J.C. Corbette Area, is it is too accessable, and every nit wit that has no clue about hunting or safety,  decides he is going to go there.  So I very rarely ever hunt it.  But anyway, that was my little interaction with bees......