Author Topic: Bend in the Handle  (Read 6162 times)

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Offline George Tsoukalas

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Re: Bend in the Handle
« Reply #15 on: September 10, 2008, 09:56:21 am »
Keegan, that was a great bow you showed. I liked it. Definitely a case of the grain not being straight on that stave above, Don. Backing may have helped keep it together but not all boards need one. Depends on the grain. However, beginners should back bows. A few of those breaks makes you walk away from a stack that doesn't have straight grained boards. Here are some measurements for bend in the handle bows. Any combo of 3/4 in thick x 1.5 in wide will work. Change each measurement the same. So one 1 inch thick 1.25 wide will bend as well. Once I mark out the 4 in handle I leave it alone and tiller the rest of the stave elliptically so handle bends but only I can tell. A well tillered bend in the handle will not shock. There's more info on boards on my site. Jawge
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Offline Don

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Re: Bend in the Handle
« Reply #16 on: September 10, 2008, 02:17:00 pm »
I looked through quite a stack before I found that one and it [as you can see] wasn't very good. But for 5 bucks I had to try.
I'm going to get a hickory board from a specialty wood store and give it a try.
As far as backing I'm going to do another with out [bull headed] before I concede and use a backing.


Offline Kegan

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Re: Bend in the Handle
« Reply #17 on: September 10, 2008, 05:13:18 pm »
Thank you George :)!

Backing saves alot of so-so bows, but if tapered/tillered properly, and left sit at least 8 hours, even so-so grain will hold (so long as all run offs are 15" distant). I recently snapped a beautiful Andaman-Holmegaard flatbow because I started stressing the bow too quickly, instead of letting it sit at 4" brace for an hour or so before raising brace height to 6". However, the grain was much better than on the two D bows, which were given ALOT of time. Here's a brief overview of my tillering stages with board bows and the occasional stave bow:

-Floor tiller carefully, make sure the limbs are at least close, and definately have no weak spots

-Brace to 4" (no tillering stick/tree used) and clean up tiller

-Let sit for at least 1 hour. A poor taper/tiller will revela itself, so watch it. If the taper is good, it will keep the look of a properly tillered bow.

-Raise the brace hieght to 6", and again clean up tiller

-Let sit overnight at least. The tiller shouldn't need monitoring, but if there is a weak spot in the taper, you're going to have a hinge. So avoid them.

-After about 8-24 hours of breaking in, tiller the bow to full draw however you care to. I use a tillering stick, because I don't have a proper tree.

This method will help prvent fractures with weaker woods, and will yeild a bow that won't lose alot of weight, if any at all, even after 500 shots. The downside is, this bow must not be taken down in weight- so you have to have a really good idea of what weight certain dimensions are going to give you. The weapon can be piked of course, but lightenning will yield a bow with weaker, flabby cast that would simply dissapoint.